Ideas for 3.2.6 then seeing as Mr Lazy released a half hearted 3.2.5

With the upcoming release of ETPro 3.2.5, I looked at the state of the changelog and was amazed to find only 3-4 proposed changes listed. Fair enough ETPro was one of the first mods out for ET and it's been updated regularly since it's initial release but are we really running out of changes that should be made?

I then set out looking for people's ideas on what they thought ETPro was still lacking, but I was left with a bland taste in my mouth when I found there weren't many good ideas flying around.

Obviously you shouldn't try and add features just to fill up room in the changelog as that just leads to unwanted and unnecessary results, but there must be one or two features that the average competition ET player is still looking for, and so this led me to write this (rather small) article.

I want ideas that can be fed back to Bani and the crew that can be added to 3.2.5 or 3.2.6, but they have to be the sort of things that would suit competition play. Not silly things like doublejump, but more like demo's which auto self name themselves depending on what clan you are playing.

Leave your suggestions below and I'll be sure to transfer the good ones over to the big man and his helpers