Map 1: Supply

Quote[/i][*]Memorable shoutcast quotes:
Gods left looking "opencup loser bad"
"stop bloody grenading"
"simply terrible"

With 53 seconds left to play on map 1, supplydepot, United Kingdom TosspoT ceased casting and cut to music, such was the nature in which god's attack was conducted. Europe witnessed two of their dynamites defused at the first stage, as Winghaven's panzerfaust proved ineffectual, and were further embarassed by another couple of defuses at the depot gate itself. Gods looked increasingly desperate having tried and failed to stack over from the rocks, a simple task which tipified the god approach, not finding success in the departments you would expect a clan of God's ability to excell in. They failed to set an attacking time, and there really isn't much else to say about the game. TosspoT commented that as a whole "it was one of the most boring games I have ever seen", and certainly round 1 of supply contributed to this statement.

In contrast, Estonia Idle were in blitzkreig mode. After a few initial probing attacks were quelled, Estonia Night bunnyhopped down as a soldier, whipping out his panzerfaust and taking out 2 god players, sending the defense into chaos. From then on Idle had little trouble with the bunker, and despite a last man stand off for the flag, eventually Idle planted both levels with only 2 and a bit minutes having passed. Blitzkreig continued as Allies swarmed over the grass, pinning down the Hungaro-Fin defensive mechanisms, with help from spawnkilling airstrikes from Germany urtier. Down went the plant and forward surged Idle progressing past the one-man craneroom defense and constructing the controls. But what's this? The crane seemed to be broken! Oh no it wasn't, those lazy East Europeans had completely forgotten to escort the truck (but hey, as highskill players who wants to take a truck?). Mistakes were amended and the situation turned to Idle activating the crane before even 5 minutes had been able to be played on the clock. With. 10 mins left to go, out went the escort towards the finishing line, and utterly destroying the gods performance.

Quote[/i][*]Memorable shoutcast quotes:
"could this just be a fullhold"
"i can't beleive it took that long"
"idle in trouble"

Map2: Oasis

So on to oasis - gods preferred map, and idle to attack first. Despite gods's best efforts, including some memorable landmining from Finland Mulsu[/b], the old city flag and wall were stolen away, and it seemed nothing would be able to stop the Estonian runaway train. For the first 4 minutes were "simply terrible", and after 4 minutes the dynamite turned red in the north gun as panic sirens were being screamed on ventrillo. Gods sacrificed the defuse to regroup and rethink, as playing as they had been then there really wasn't much point in playing in the Eurocup any longer.
But buck up their ideas they did. Idle found the path to the south gun a far harder task, with attacks mainly based on lone engineers for the next 6 or so minutes. 11 minutes to play on the clock and in came the first Idle south plant, but as the spam rained in gods locked down the objective and pliars were applied with little Allied resistance. A minute later, two Idle players were seemingly on a date with destiny with the south gun, but behind them Finland Kmble, having a crucial game, whipped out his mp40 and introduced lead to head. In again rained the attacking, proving fruitful as again another dynamite began to flash red with 9 minutes left. Down it ticked into single figures as finally an Axis engineer decided the time was right to act hero, and defuse with 6 seconds left. Finally, god's final line of defense Finland kmble was wiped out and idle decided playtime was over, dropping 2 dynamites which blew to leave the final time set at 18.34

Quote[/i][*]Memorable shoutcast quotes:
"you've gotta get the flag to win the game" (Einstein has left the building)
"hes a bit fat is holz"

In surged gods, but were met with an effective and intelligent mix of crossfire and spam, which, as time passed, frustrated the Allies, who at times looked like they were running out of ideas. Again they began to resort to individualism over teamplay, with Hungary nonix trying to hide around the old city spawn roof and MG on several occasions. Estonia Night made it his duty to sniff out any stowaways. and this pattern continued as the round descended into its second half. As other attacks phased out, Hungary nonix again pryed around the old city roof, deciding to wall-jump this time and make it round to the tunnel switch. Alarm bells rang in the Idle camp as Estonia Night again set off in persuit, taking out his opponent and closing the tunnel door with a flick of the +activate key. 7 minutes remaining and gods finally planted dynamite at the wall, storming around through the tunnels to try and make momentum pay around the back of spawn and through to south. Spain Winghaven's mortar rained in searching for answers, connecting with two Idle players, but the Eestis pushed them back and harried, ticking down the time left on the clock. With 5 minutes left, 2 Allied medics and a rifle arrived at the north platform, but Estonia Night was equal to the task, rifle nading Finland Mulsu out of the equation, and allowing a recovery based from the MG. Barely a minute later, Mulsu again reached the north gun room this time, but his dynamite was refused a colour change as Idle locked down the Allied individual attack. Night made the spawn way his own, taking out a hat-trick of Allied raiders, causing gods to re-think, and again the tunnel route was ultised, barely 2 minutes of plant time remaining. However by now Idle could see the light; they could sense a spot in the final against the old foe, and held out to force the match into 4-0 status.

Congratulations to Estonia, who progress to the finals of Eurocup XII to face the might of Finland uQ.

Result: 4-0 win to Estonia
Official report: Clanbase

image: logos