Happy Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement, whatever that is! Well anyway it is according to United States of America Jube. To celebrate this momentus day I decided to pick on United Kingdom Kee_Ring of Radio iTG fame for an interview, and what great fun it was too.

Topics discussed include RtCW, lagging vents, and that loveable sleaze bag we like to call United Kingdom TosspoT (just if we needed some more uk flags).

Before reading you may wish to give Kee's Radio iTG profile a hit for more information. Have faith, xfire go-ers!

United Kingdom foonr: To start, could you give a brief image: kee_ringbackground on yourself, your interests etc..

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: I'm Kee_RinG, I started gaming many years ago in a game called Rogue Spear and then started playing Soldier of Fortune 2 which I enjoyed and even played for one of the top clans and for the UK Nations Cup Team for the first year in which we won :)
I then got into shoutcasting for Radio iTG, a job which I really enjoy :)

United Kingdom foonr: And that was rougly how long ago?

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: wowo Ive been playing games since 7 years ago approx...maybe even 8-9

United Kingdom foonr: So recently you've been getting into some other games,...CoD2 I seem to remember?

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: well I tend to play games for fun more now Quake 4 CoD2 and I play WoW with my gf a lot.

United Kingdom foonr: a girl gamer? pretty lucky!

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: heh yeah :)

United Kingdom foonr: Like you said you've been involved with iTG & shoutcasting ... . How easy did you find it to get into the role?

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: iTG were quite newly formed, management made it very easy and helped explain to me what I needed to submit to them to be considered for a position. Luckily I already had some demos recorded of my shoutcasting and working for iTG only helped me improve :)

United Kingdom foonr: Many people will of course know your workmate TosspoT, do you think it's fair to say you've had to stand in his shadow somewhat?

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: I think when it all began me and tosspot were very much on a level footing however since I tooka break from shoutcasting im amazed how far tosspot has progressed and how much he has improved over his time shoutcasting he is still my closest friend in iTG and its still a great pleasure to cast with him :)

United Kingdom foonr: Will you be casting the EC finals between idle and uQ, and if so is this something you're looking forward to?

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: Chances are I will be casting it yes :) Its something im looking forward to.

United Kingdom foonr: I know for sure you're doing the CoD 2 eurocup, so how does shoutcasting a 'skilled' game in cod differ from that of ET? seeing as you've done a few of those ;)

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: hehe I think both games you need to be skilled at to do well ET relies a lot on teamwork and im yet to see how the top clans play in CoD2. With shoutcasting you try to bring your own style of casting to each game the excitment and the action to get the listeners really inside the game with the players I aim to do my best with all games I shoutcast :)

United Kingdom foonr: Time to takea trip down memory lane now ... what's been the best match you've covered, and why?

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: wow best match ever.
RtCW 4K.intel vs GMPO AMD was a truly amazing match right at when I first started casting :)

United Kingdom foonr: plenty of stand out moments?

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: yeah my first main game casted was RtCW, I still love some of the action in that game and not forgetting the panzerfaust :p

United Kingdom foonr: Have you developed any 'trademark' phrases, or like to think you are remembered for any?

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: I dont think there are any trademark phrases. I used to say "triple kill" a lot in ET and RTCW I tend to be more known for the dramatic mood and excitment changes within the match - I really try to really create an atmosphere of choas sometimes when it calls for it or even suspense and tension depending ont he situation within the game :)

United Kingdom foonr: Any big cock ups? iN - dsky comes to mind - although that wasnt really your fault.

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: heh u will have to remind me of iN vs dsky lol

United Kingdom foonr: back in the day of rtcw.no, lagging vents, getting toss yelling 'Kee you've lagged out!' in teamchat. The game also had that panzer shot by care ;)

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: hahaha yeah vent has always been a thorn in my side.
I remember a few situations where I have been unable to keep up witht he action sometimes I miss quite important parts of the match or even flag captures points scored etc etc so its nice in a duel cast to have someone to cover you if u miss something important.

United Kingdom foonr: Ok, finally, any idea what the future holds, or anything you're working to (online wise)

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: I would love to be able to bring Video Streaming soon I know iTG are working towards it and well I hope its something we can do well in the future :)
For me tho its just more shoutcasting and hopefully more major LAN events with iTG :)

United Kingdom foonr: Sounds impressive :)

United Kingdom foonr: Well thanks ever so much for the chat kee, twas a pleasure as always.

United Kingdom Kee_RinG: No problem anytime :)