What’s that you say, ET needs changing? We’re getting bored of the same overplayed maps? No shit!

image: adlernest

As the “10000” column rages on there’s a new map on the horizon – seemingly more hyped than the Arctic Monkeys. It’s an et_ice come radar cocktail of ET goodness.

The first stage sees a mad dash to defend the door controls – with each side spawning opposite one another. Once the door controls are blown the allies must push forward to steal the documents, located near the axis spawn. It’s then a sprint to secure the transmitter with both teams spawning near the objective.

This map can be done in 3 minutes, or held for 10. All the stages offer multiple attack routes bringing out the best in each ET class.



This map will be used in the upcoming #ET-Cup (scheduled to start the 17th February) and an upcoming Get-Liga event with other tournaments likely to be using it (ET-Scene mapping contest).

Allies are attacking an Axis base. They have to steal the documents and transmit them.

Stage 1:

Allies are attacking thh door controls. Dynomighting them will cause the two doors to the inner base to open.
Allies can also steal a uniform and get through the team door to the second phase.
Allies could also try running through the axis spawn to get into the upper base.

Axis are primarily defending the door controls.

Stage 2:

Allies have now gained access to the upper part of the Axis base. To get a forward spawn, Allies need to build their command post.
Allies then need to attack the documents. There are multiple routes - accross the bridge, around the back and in one of two doors, or right back around through the axis spawn.

Axis need to setup a defence around the documents. They may want to send someone to defend the CP if allies havent got it up yet, or destroy it if its up.

Stage 3:

Allies steal the documents, they need to transmit them now.
The fastest why to the transmitter is through the axis spawn, but thats risky.
Allies can take them back past the CP, or outside, and back in through the main blast doors.

If axis respawn, they should try to get to the transmitter and defend.

Allies may need to attack from different directions if axis can setup a good hold.

Walkthrough demos

Download Mirrors

- VP Mirror
- Dersadin Mirror

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