Just over a year ago Netherlands Ronner posted a column posing this simple question. “Where is the love?”

Quote Is it a fundamental thing in teens? Or perhaps a side-effect of competitive situations? Or is it really just a matter of character? In all cases it's a sad thing to see and to experience.

I'm talking about the immature treatment that people get from co-gamers. Flaming, name-calling, whining, or even treating someone bad after the moment they've seen their picture and thought "what a geek!"

Is it just adolescent teens who have the compulsion to show the size of their dicks all the time to try and get respect in that way? Does it actually make themselves feel better about who they are, or does it make them feel better than the person they are bashing on.

Well, I’m 32 years old so perhaps it IS just an age matter and they'll grow out of it, which honest to god I hope!

We all remember the postings of Mystic's picture, and now mike who's having some 'fun' with Kampfi. Do looks even matter? If so, then please explain why Mick Jagger or James Brown are worshipped by so many, because man are they EVER ugly!

Whatever happened to respecting your co-gamers. Or to just simple good sportsmanship. I remember this documentary on MTV "I'm a gamer" and there was this scene with some local guy who was the owner of the local-scene that challenged Fatal1ty, who at that time was staying with one of the locals there before a big lan-event. The moment he lost it was a simple "gg man.. you were just better". And the same behavior was seen during the competitions on the LANs. After every game they shook hands and said GG.

I've encountered many clans and players with this kind of behavior. Respecting the opponent and having the sportsmanship to take a win or loss with grace. The least the flamers and whiners amongst us could do is at least TRY it for once. Even if your opponent isn't doing the same. Just because he whips out his dick to show the size again, doesn't mean you have to follow that example.

I'm probably going to be flamed by some and others will probably say "amen" but heck... The least it can do is have SOME of them think about their behavior and that's enough result for me.

and besides kids!! be aware of what might happen if you bully someone around!! http://leenks.com/?media=218 <-- eventually your own behavior WILL own you.

Over the past few weeks I’ve ventured into a number of other games as ET is wearing thin – even the players on public servers are newbie friendly, whilst most bend over backwards on irc to help you out. Why is this attitude not present in ET? Or at least, a real rarity. The same goes for clan wars, there seems to be a fundamental attitude problem - not only a lack of respect for your opponents but for the admins.

A year on and the point still stands. Where is the love?

Original Column