One of Swedish RTCW's most interviewed players and a card carrier of the Swedish society for pro RTCW players is about to make his return to the game!
image: aneki
The full details of his team are currently unannounced to the public, however I caught up with the lovable swede to find out about his plans and his return to the oldschool!

TosspoT Aneki, to those that dont know you can you give us an introduction to your extensive gaming history

Aneki I'm Sebastian "aneki" Kamph, I've been playing games since I was 5-6 years old. As many of you know I played RTCW in noll8, and after their departure a trip to infensus. I played some ET with infensus before I quit. Been playing lots of different games since then. Since the release of World of Warcraft I've been an 24/7 addict, playing for Curse ( and had some short stops at Call of Duty and Ground Control 2 as well. I pracced some with infensus before they quit cod.

TosspoT Aneki you're about to pick up your mp40 once again, what is it about the genre that brings you back?

Aneki I had lots of fun with RTCW, and that's basically why I'm drawn back. I heard capten were going to start playing again, so I thought, what the hell. However, I'm amazed by how many in ET that don't know about noll8.

TosspoT Thats right, many in ET either werent around or have forgotten the adventures of swedish RTCW as a whole, fill us in on what made o8 so special?

Aneki o8 was the first Swedish team to dominate the rtcw scene, with only infensus to be the real opponents. We won most leagues and tournaments, with a few exceptions. We also had the chance to win the 2on2 badplace tournament, beating infensus in the finals. Also, we were one of the friendlier teams out there! ;) They were also a q2ctf clan before I joined up with them.

TosspoT Some might describe you as an RTCW Veteran, how does ET gameplay matchup next to the RTCW you loved?

Aneki I tend to yell a lot more at my teammates in ET, as some haven't been around since RTCW, and doesn't have the same priorities. People aren't gibbing and reviving as in RTCW! Also, those damn mines and rifle grenades piss me off. Especially the rifle grenades, it's basically an instant panzer that reloads faster. A lot of people say that ET is more about spam, I'm one of them.

TosspoT Your last outing in ET was with iN/e-star, back then there was XP + 10 mines, how do you rate the improvements to ET?

Aneki When we played, we were one of the teams that were against xp, but very few teams was. So we are very pleased with this move. The game was more than enough about spam, xp made that worse.

TosspoT Would you say its moved back towards RTCW?

Aneki Nah, can't really say it has. ET has always been a different game, removing the experience in matches just made it better.

TosspoT Whilst working with e-star as a multigaming clan you had under your leadership one of PK's and now Q4's best players, Ztrider. What was it like working with such an emerging talent?

Aneki We found ztrider before all the fame and glory. We had a great relationship with him. We knew he had the talent, we just had to make him work on his nerves and practice the game. So we bet our money on him and sent him to the worldtour stops so he would get the experience he needed.

TosspoT What was it like losing him to fnatic? Was there any negativity?

Aneki Sadly, recently after he had become "really good", fnatic took him into his roster. Of course we were sad, but I can't blame him. There's nothing more to say, I don't want to make a big deal out of it. It's all forgotten. We rarely speak to him nowadays.

TosspoT And now your return, is your goal the same as always? Eurocup all the way?

Aneki The game is fun, and I wouldn't have played it if it wasn't fun. But I would be lying if I said we weren't aiming to be the best. We have returned yet again, to show what some RTCW oldies can do. And as a bonus, I get to play with the guys I want to play with.

TosspoT Without giving away too much, how much potential is in this roster you're putting together?

Aneki Let's just say we have some ppl from oldschool noll8 and infensus from RTCW. With a little practice on the new maps we'll be a team to look out for. We're not there yet, but noll8 wasn't perfect day 1 either.

TosspoT And finally, Swedish RTCW was second to none. Swedish ET could perhaps be described as second to Paraquay, how does it feel coming as a player with an esteemed history into a scene that can boast just 1 success story?

Aneki I realize some players will judge us from the achievements we have in the past, also judging some players without achievements in our team. That won't effect us, as ET is a lot more about teamplay and less about individuall skill (even though we have some insane people). Sweden today, doesn't have a strong ET team, and we will hopefully change that. The people who know us, know that we have what it takes. Aneki is back baby!

A big thank you to Seb for his time on this interview, and make sure you keep your eyes glued to xfire for the full announcement of the return of a swedish powerhouse!