Tonight at 19.30CET, #ET-Cup presents the first 2 of 3 matches as the competition reaches semi-final stage. There are 4 teams left - Europe Queens, Poland Polewka, Europe helix & Germany Team-Beta. Other big names such as uQ, stronger than hate, Fear Factory and even Team Hungary have fallen, and by the end of tonight we will have an overall winner.

image: etcup

As you will have seen in the news post, the two semi-finals will take place at 19.30 CET, and the final at 21:15 CET. ETTV is assured, as is multi-lingual shoutcasting. As part of our coverage, I highlighted the semi-final game of Queens vs Helix, and caught up with seNti (Q) and gyzr (hx) to see what they made of the upcoming games. Maps are radar and adlernest.

First to seNti:

[flag=0] foonr: You're set to play Helix tonight, how are you looking forward to it?

Hungary senti: Tbh i think we have good chances to show a good match. They are a strong team and I wont underrate them.

foonr: I've been speaking to gyzr and he seems to think you've got a "scarily" good roster ... you'd surely have to agree..?

senti: hehe ;) I know gyzr, hes a great guy and i've played with him in deaths embrace - I know the helix guys also. Maybe we have a strong roster but we need to fix our teamplay.

foonr: Do you feel this is something people will pick up on tonight, especially as the game is covered with both ettv and shoutcasting ... or do you mean more in terms of minor tweaks?

senti: sure if they are bored :P

foonr: great answer! :)

foonr: How have you found your route to this stage ... having to overcome first Primitive, and most recently the new-look uQ?

senti: Hmm, we dont want to be a 2 weeks clan, thats why we play so freakingly active and on cups & stuff ... so we will grow within ourselves on every cup imo :o) The new uQ isnt that skilled as the old one but they have great potential to be a nice highskilled opponent for every other team.

foonr: Is this senti confirming Queens are here to stay?!

senti: Hmm, hopefully we will stay along time in et ... I love to play et, its my first online shooter and i realy like it .. but i started to have a social life... I have a new gf .. i have a job and I have my 3 brothers :P But i will play for queens however often I can and every day I'm up for training :P
...and sure we will stay with queens in et.

foonr: Any cups / competitions you know of that you're planning on playing in after the #ET-Cup?

senti: Some guys said EuroCup will come again soon to keep ET alive :o) Thats nice if its true ... yeah we will play any cups and some tournaments.
Tbh whats with a great tournament ? iam bored of these short cups :o) lets make a nice great tournament!

foonr: WHAT? Now?!?S :DD The prizes can be your t-shirt...

senti: Not now :o) I mean i wanna see some great tournaments in the near future, not only the short et cups.

foonr: Oh, ok :< you make foonr sad.

senti: If u want , ok. I have some powerfull great tshirts.

foonr: For a moment there i got my hopes up :>

senti: :P

foonr: Well then finally, seeing as it's a pretty much a required question ... who would you rather play out of the other semi finals --- Polewka or Team-Beta?

senti: I dont like polewka because of kot .. hes amazing sometimes but his aim isnt special .. its his gameplay like a wallhack or smth .. :o/ polewka

foonr: Thanks for the time Senti, and best of luck against helix tonight!

senti: Mate only for u <3
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Next to Helix, and for this chat I picked out Danish national player gyzr:

[flag=0] foonr: Ok, first off, how would you realistically rate your chances vs Queens tonight?

Denmark gyzr: Hmm I think we have a good chance against Queens tonight, of course they have a bit of a scary roster, but yes of cause we can take em..

foonr: Any players you've singled out as being the 'danger' aspect, the so called "scary" roster?

gyzr: I think every player in Queens is danger because they are good on their own way, some people like razz and aza I think they aim very nicely, whereas seNti is a great teamplayer and also a great aimer..

foonr: Looking back now, how would you rate your performances in the run up to this game? Have the maps chosen worked with or against you?

gyzr: Hmm, the first match we played we won easily because mycruz didnt show up.. And I must also say we won pretty easy against Euthanasia.. We have not played adlernest in this cup yet.. But today we'll see if that map is with us or against us.

foonr: Presumably you've been practicing Adlernest, and of course there has been much debate in the halls of Crossfire (mostly from Nellie) whether or not it should be an accepted competition map... do you personally see the potential there for it to happen from what you've managed to see so far?

gyzr: I think adlernest is a great new map and I think it coud be very nice to have it as a competition map. Its a good map cause its tottaly different from the other maps there is in ET atm - it has its whole own style.

foonr: Moving on, the winner of your game goes on to face the victor of Polewka vs Team-Beta. How do you see that game playing out, and who would you rather face if you get through?

gyzr: I think the game will be a very exciting match. Its hard to say whos going to win it, because both teams are extremely good.. And if we are gonna win against Queens tonight I dont really care who we gonna meet in the final.

foonr: And the same goes for prizes I suppose? Win first and think about them later..

gyzr: Yes thats right.

foonr: Right, well thanks for the insight, and best of luck for your game tonight

gyzr: yes thank you foonr :)
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