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Guys and girls, it is that time of the year. Sounds from the far has reached Europe that a new season is about to start. Wonder no more. Ask no more. Read further down and all your question (at least hope so) will be answered. May I present to all of you Season 6[/b].

League Structure
May I start with the thing that is gonna cause alot of discussion. The new league structure! What is the most thing that we all hate? We practice for a match, we warmup for a match, and then all of a sudden we hear the damn words of "Our clan ceased to exists. We cannot play" or else the most phrase that we as admin are afraid of is "Please set us as inactive". Clan leaders of two-weeks clan need not read further down since we are proposing the new league structre to abolish these types of clans. Well prepared clans rejoice, since this season is the season for you!

Here is how it is going to be done. Every division will have 2 groups like before, except Premier. Each Group will have 8 teams, therefore a total of 16 teams per division. Till now nothing new. But here is the new and exciting part. 2 games a week are gonna be forced during the first group stage. Read further on regarding maps. Once all matches are played, where you can consume 1 wildcard, 2 new groups in that division are gonna be prepared. So to make it simple : 1,3,5 from old group A will be put in a new group X where 2,4,6 will join them. New group Y will hospitate 2,4,6 from old group A and 1,3,5 of old group B. This means that those ranking 7 and 8 from the old groups will have to leave the season. Most probably these teams will be the 2 weeks clans who have missed alot of games so it is time to say these teams an early farewell. The new group stage will be played using the previous format of 1 match a week, were the teams has to agree between each other for the date and time and schedule it on the website. Matches not scheduled by mid-week, ie Wednesday of each week, will be forced by the Group Admins, without prior notice, and in case one team cannot play, he has to use his wildcard. The new group stage will have absolutely no restrictions in maps, therefore you can choose any map you like as long as it is in our map pool. After the group stages finalise themselves, 1st from group X will play 2nd from group Y and 2nd from group X will play 1st from group Y. Winners play against each other in the grand Division final. In the playoff stages, no maps will be forced and maps have to be told to the match admin at least 1 hour before game.

Map Pool
Alot has been discussed. Covering terrains from the hot sandy north Africa to the ice cold northern Europe. Shall we enter enemy's territory during daylight or cover ourselves under the shiny moon and use stealh movement. We even asked the community to propose their preferred maps, and a never ending discussion was taking place behind the scenes. And no we weren't sleeping, as some of you think. So without further adoo let me, in the name of all my crew present you with this season map list :

- Sw_oasis
- Sw_Goldrush
- Et_ice
- Braundorf
- Aldernest_b7c
- Radar
- Frostbite

And yes, the map which rose so much discussion, as to include it or give it a season break is out of the map pool. The famous, loved-by-all, supplydepot2, for this season is going to take a break. Here we have a different mix of maps, with long, hard to attack maps, such as the famous sw_oasis, to the fast attacking map Radar. Two old RTCW maps have made it to our maplist. et_ice, being a map which last season although it rose some type of criticism, ended up being played alot, and the other port, frostbite. Will it be the revalation to the community that after all changing maps will change the type of gameplay? SW_goldrush and Braundorf need no introduction though they are farely new, but we are sure that these maps are going to be played alot especially in the playoff stages. Adlernest, the new baby to the ET community has already made it to the league after just weeks after its release.

Forced Days to play
As explained earlier, the matches are going to be scheduled on 2 specific days the first stage. The match days will be Monday and Thursday and the time will be @ 21CET. However if both clans agree and the group admin is informed you can play on a different time. To change days prior information need to be handed to the group Admin / co-Admin and this has to be aprooved agaisnt some very serious excuse. The maps decided per match day (case of Alpha to lower divisions) and matchweek (in case of Premier) will take this format :
Match 1 : MapX - MapY
Match 2 : MapY - MapZ
So in 2 matches you have to learn 3 maps in all not 4, thus helping all clans in playing all maps, but not sacrifising skill and tactics.

Premier Division
As explained earlier, Premier Division will be only 1 group, the creme-de-la-creme of the squads. Due to us knowing that such clans are very (or hope so) active in other cups, we decided to keep the premier as the previous season. Therefore, Premier will have one group of 10 clans, who need all to play each other, and the first 4 will then then pass to playoffs. For the group stage, there will be forced maps, for which the first 7 match weeks will be the same as the other divisions, and the last 2 weeks with 4 (2 and 2) maps decided by the admins prior to Season start. Playoffs will be with matches decided by the clans.

Config changes
Till now, and this for sure counts till end of the first group stage no changes to the config are going to be made. We will update the community if we are going to change anything afterwards.

So as everyone understands perfectly, every group stage will have a wildcard available to every team. However each wildcard has to be used in the particular stage, so to make it clear, you cannot go into the second stage and carry forward your wildcard. Nor can you use the 2nd wildcard in the first group stage. This year we are going to keep a better track record of wildcards used.

We are upgrading the site so the guids can be updated in the profiles. Match referees will check and compare the guids with the site. In case no WL staff is on the private channel, the responsability falls on the clan leaders to check the opposing team and compare ETPRO guids with those recorded. In case there is a conflict, it is extremely vital that you don't start the match until an Admin checks the game. If the game starts, then you cannot complain.

ETTV and Coverage
This year we are going to improve on coverage. We have agreed that each admin will be responsible to make a weekly report on the matches and how his division is going. Each week a match from every division is going to be covered by ETTV and all matches from premier will be covered. Another thing that this year needs to be improved, and we are going to employ an admin especially for such matters is the the Betting sheet. Every week, this admin will check those matches that most probably are going to be covered by ETTV, those same matches which are hot and offer you the chance to show us how much you understand the game and bet on the winner.

This year we will be seeing alot of new faces in the Warleagues crew. We hope that we will serve you as best as all of the old crew has done, and I am sure that we will.
This is the *UPDATED* list of the Admins
Malta This will be my second year running Having experience with GamesTV and other organisation I hope I can fulfill my promise to provide you with a better league this year.
Norway Being the oldest one of the crew, this guy is still very energetic and resourceful. He is very strict so make sure that if you are going against any rule this guy will be your watchdog
Sweden The Swedish hank is a renowned name in our admin list every season. He knows Season system by heart, it is also heard that he dreams of making better seasons!
Malta Another Malteser in our crew. This is Badboy's second season with us at and following the comments from the clans he dealt with last season we couldn't leave him around, especially now that he has a gf, so Mist need not worry to have him around when there is his niece on the pc (PS we heard that Mist's niece is a babe to die for ;) )
England Who doesn't know andy? The Englishman renowned for all his adminning in matches in other leagues and nice reports. As of end of last season he has joined our team with the aim to better the leagues done at our portal. Due to his job it will be a bit hard to have a Group to admin so he will help in the running of the whole system.
Norway Known for sure in Norway, this guy is one hell of an energetic kid. He came in Warleagues and changed the whole system, he was also the mastermind behind our change in the season, so if you don't like it, /query or`Snuble`oss <INSERT WHINE HERE>
United Kingdom The guy behind Talk.ET cup has decided to not stop adminning, and thus joined our team in our venture to make Season 6 THE Season all clans are going to remember. He is also a good writer, thus, start preparing to read his weekly reviews.
Finland Another guy whom for him this season will be the second one. Last season he was a bit inactive due to real life problems, but this year he is in for it. Another well experienced admin from Clanbase, who has written loads of match reports, and adminned tons of others.
Netherlands The Dutch, owned by Punkbuster admin. Due to his wierd problem that he has been Hardware ban, without knowing how, he will be more of an Administrative admin, infact he will be responsible of Guids, BetSheets, and lastly rules following
Belgium Another new admin who will make his debut in Warleagues this season. he looks to be well prepared to face problems associated with adminning, and came also with some nice ideas whilst planning the season
Match Referees
All those guys who want to share some time for the benefit of the community are encouraged to send me an E-mail ([email protected]). You will get the priviledge to watch the game live, to be on the matchserver adminning your idols, the very same persons you dream during the night and always wish to be the same as them :) Your obligations will be quite easy. You are to prepare a small match report, about 200 words on the match you just saw. You will also need to upload your demos.

We are still in the process of finalising our agreement with sponsors, so please stay tuned.

Signups DATE!
After all this info, it is time to start putting everything into Practice. Signups will start next Sunday 12th March and end on Wednesday 22nd March. So make sure you start signing up if you want to share this experience with us ;)