After we had a new peak of teams at the 4th GET-Cup we thought about some changes for th 5th Version, which will take place at the 26.03.2006

Limit of Teams
What do you prefer:
Fixed number of teams but not enabling everyone who wants to play to play (first come first serve) or enable all number of teams by giving defwins to random teams in the first round.

For me the "defwins" are crap, cause if clans are lucky they can get in the 2. round without playing a map, maybe a map they can't play or a new map or something like that.

We had the following Mappool today:

Round 1: adlernest_b7c
Round 2: braundorf_b4
Round 3: Radar
Round 4: supply
Round 5: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

What do you want to change?
We thought about to add Frostbite as the 6th map, so you dont have to play one map twice in the cup.

Our currently system is "Loser is out" and the "Winner in the next round".
Do you like that fast-System or would you love to see a Loserbracket??

Team Details
I saw some teams, who added their full lineup at the Cup team.
Should we make a rule that the clans have to add their member and guids?
For me it's not important to add all Member and their GUIDS, cause it's only a one-day Cup.

I know every clan wants to win something and when we hade gameserver and voiceserver a lot of teams whine:
Uhuhu we still got one
If i ask now, what kind of prices you want i will get answers like:
I need new pc, i need new mouse or something
But remember:
Everyone of the team should get the price. And tbh we cant sponsor your team 6 pc's...
Should we get prices or is it enough to play for honour?
And if you vote for prices, then please try to help us and write some Companys, or something who are able/interested to support the cup.

(now flame that im too lazy to get a sponsor, but you should know that i wrote around 40emails about Sponsoring in the last week)

The easiest way to get a good ETTV Coverage is to force the match server. We tried that today. We had 1 gameserver by gamestv and 3 ETTV Server on it. So we could pick some games out of the grid which we wanted to cast with ETTV.
This way is much easier for Admins and ETTV Broadcaster, cause you have to connect your ETTV once. Only once at 15cet and its enough till 20cet or something. You dont have to switch the server every minute.
What's your opinion about that?

If you got any other wishes you can also write that...
And by the way the result from today:

#1 United Kingdom uQ-gaming
#2 Europe Team-Helix
#3 Germany Team-Beta

GRID (we will delete it soon, for the next cup)
Hall of fame

Greetings Swine