Seems to be the RTCW players favourite rhetoric. Near every comment I’ve seen regarding ET from one usually contains these two phrases: “ET is unskilled” and “ET is spammy.”

This is a blank canvas, in the search of clarification. Now I’m told RTCW is skilled and ET isn’t. Justify this claim.

Wikipedia (the fountain of all our knowledge) defines skill as: “A skill is an ability, usually learned, to perform actions.” Hmm that’s vague, so ET players can't perform actions.

This is 10 reasons why ET is great

- Great dynamic game play
- Perfect match length
- The right amount of spam thanks to config changes
- Requires a team to use several classes simultaneously
- Large active competitive community
- Mod support from the ETPro team
- Many good active teams, with the potential for the likes of idle/Parodia to reform
- Great map list
- No overpowered panzerfaust
- Immense ETTV

Nostalgic memories tend to cloud peoples judgement. I remember FIFA 96, now that was an awesome game, the best I’ve played - least that’s what I thought. Played it again recently and the gameplay is terrible, the graphics awful and I was left rewing my ruined memory. Face facts, RTCW is an older less evolved version of ET. Why play your Sega Saturn when you’ve got an Xbox 360?

What makes RTCW so skilled? Is it the fact you've no worthwhile competition, or maybe the lack of active clans, the artillery spam, the sparadic spread or maybe that most good clans quit citing “We all stopped playing because the RTCW level wasn't high enough for us“?

So, I ask you - what makes RTCW skilled?