This craze seems to be severely lacking in ET. Officials, cups or scrims - these matches rarely leave a players hard drive unless there‘s ETTV. Now personally I’m not a demo person, but there’s plenty that are. Currently great matches are lost stranded on a players hard drive never to be seen again.

Practice Results!!! Indeed, omg practice results. But huh, surely a great match is a great match, regardless of the importance. In other games you’ll even see pickups shared with the world - granted this aint what I’m proposing but why not. Maybe you’re interested in the progression of a clan, how a players performing or how a certain map plays.

Tactic Stealing!!! You’ve got a point, competitors could download your demos to steal your tactics. But what does that achieve? A good tactic is a good tactic, and will work regardless. Your opposition can never know for sure how you’ll be attacking. Besides…most tactics are ripped from the top clans anyway.

Now we all know how (un)reliable the ClanBase demo base is - a habit of demos disappearing. It’s time people started taking advantage of the free to use excellent demo base that is Take your mind back to EC XI, the likes of u96d, Parodia and Roistot competed in ClanBase’s most prestigious competition, this was under a year ago - there’s got to be masses of demos available? Nope! CB has only 5 demos, all of which are from the u96d vs. Parodia final.

QuoteCHTV was started in 2000 by dethkultur, Hoony, DonKing and Agent. It is currently maintained by DonKing and putty. A lot of hard work and dedication has made CHTV the #1 source for game recordings. We strive to be the best and will continue to grow and maintain our status as the greatest demo site in the world!!!

To add some perspective: Dignitas, voted our greatest ever clan, only ever played officials - there’s got to be plenty demos out there right? Of course people have saved some of the most memorable matches et ET - well, not quite…there’s only 9 demos publicly available for download. With all 9 being on CHTV - none available on CB. Not great.

Now I’m not suggesting you should upload every random war, mix and gather. But if you’ve just finished playing and still have the adrenaline rushing through you - hot off the excitement of a close match. Why not share it with the world, have your minute in the spotlight? Be it a last gasp cap, a players immense aim or simply some unusual tactics why not upload it for everyone? We all know how unpredictable a hard drive can be, seemingly crashing at will. Get it uploaded while you can.

You’ve only to ask TosspoT the trouble he’s had with locating demos from some of Europe’s greatest ET moments - why should this be? CHTV is a secure free location to preserve our heritage - a National Trust of video gaming per se.

The Americans have it, as do the Aussies - for a change, it’s us Euros lagging behind.

Sort it out lads.