With Rtcw being rather inactive (not dead) and most players already getting bored with ET we all are looking forward to what Rtcw2 will bring. But while most people are discussing the gameplay and new visuals, i would like to discuss a total different aspect of the upcoming game: its new community and competitions.

The last couple of months we have seen lots of topclans and players leaving the scene (both ET and Rtcw) and closing there statement with the following sentence "see ya'll at Rtcw2". Now i started to wonder, what if all these people would return and we add another load of brand new players to it, wouldn't this result in a huge community? Lets suppose it does and go take a look how this would affect our competitions.

If we take a look at our current situation regarding competitions, we can say that compared to other games like CS and Q4 we are pover. While our EC winners collect $ 750 for the hard work, our "friends" over at CS may collect a nice $ 17500 for doing almost the same. But as most people would say "ofcouse they get more money, there scene is atleast twice as big as ours so reaching top level is alot harder". True if you ask me, but now lets add the vision of the Rtcw2 scene being massive. That leaves us with a new perspect on things.

Ofcouse our trusted competitions like Clanbase and Warleagues will keep up there good work, but lets just add another $ 10000 for the EC winner. Other big (cash) leagues like CPL and WCG would adapt us into there program. Or just image big LANs all across europe (and beyond) providing some nice (cash)prices. And beside all this lets add some major sponsordeals...

Ofcouse this is a rather utopic vision on things, but lets just presume it happens. Would we see current topplayers become progamers? Or old legends return to gaming for some extra pocketmoney?

What do you think...

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