Over the past week Splash Damage (via gamespot & gamespy) has posted news on ET Quakewars for the classes and vehicle reviews. As expected, it further indicates a Battlefield or even Planetside type of gameplay, but yet again the visuals blow us away.
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The Global Defence Force (C&C GDI anyone?) are equipped with a lightweight scouting vehicle named the Badger, aswell as a Mobile Command Post equipped with missile launchers. And finally the GDF line up with the Buffalo Transport which does look somewhat identical to the transports used in Command and Conquer but we'll forgive them!

The Strogg vehicles to be honest look ten times "cooler" that those of their opposition! The Strogg army are kitted out with a Desecrator HoverTank, which at full potential is operated by two players, (Planetside Magrider!). The Goliath Heavy Walker looks like a mech warrior and carries two plasma canons aswell as a lacerator. Finally the Strogg teams are armoured with a Hornet (Planetside Mosquito!) a hovering plane that is built to attack infantry.

The full descriptions without my sarcastic references to other games can be read Here


Like RTCW:ET the game will feature class based warfare, and thus we lineup with both teams classes courtesy of Gamespy

Now actually the GDF lineup with the same classes as ET! With Soldier, Medic, Field Ops, Covert Ops and Engineers! Just like with the vehicles the Strogg force also look much cooler! But are a substitute for the years of playing with a medic?
Well the Strogg answers with the Aggressor, Oppressor, Constructor, Infiltrator and Technician. Many of these with exact opposites on their opposition.

Read the full reviews here:
GameSpy - Strogg
GameSpy - GDF

Once again ET:QuakeWars looks like be a big step away from what we're all used to in terms of RTCW genre gaming, however I wont lie, it does look exciting. There are elements of Battlefield that are a hell of alot of fun, and thats why its so popular. Planetside itself was still a very big game also, and still has a large subscription paying customer base (I cancelled mine last month!). Games of this genre have succeeded, will this be another?

To get a few answers for that, fear not as Xfire will be at E3 2006 fully investigating the ET:QuakeWars booth!