Since the current gameplay of manny clans is based on weapons, which are not balanced for the current clans, its about thinking, what we can make different for the upcoming cups.

ET is unskilled? No matter. To make the game more balanced again and to stop using medics to be more protected than anyone else, removing the helmetprotection again will make it more skilled.
With 50 damage per headshot, you are able to take down a common medic with 2hs + 2 bs. This will affect the gameplay tottaly.
For the garantman it means, shooting better than just spam, which brings back more balance in the whole game.

maxpackets >60 + rate >20000 + maxfps > 60

Rate 20000 - 25000
Netsettingslameness would be still possible, but we can reduce it with such settings

maxpackets 60 - 100
Since maxpackets 40 are not enough for guys with a good connection to stop beeing lame and use such things, we are going to force them to 60 atleast.

Why maxfps 43?
After some testing with 100% stable 43 fps and 60fps there is no difference in movement for trickjumping. Another thing which is unserious there, how can 43 maxpackets help, if you have atleast 60hz for your monitor? That's why we force the maxfps to be as high as the maxpackets.

No more mortar and mobile
Nowadays, we don't see weapons like flamethrower again, guys who hate rtcw, will say "no, don't make ET rtcw" - but this doesn't counts anymore.
We have rtcw maps like frostbite, ice, base and beach. With such settings, those maps will be playable for all.
Just the pf and the flamer as movable weapon are there now, but using those, will limit the nomber of hp, which is already very important for the helmetprotection.
Since all maps and situations can be owned by a mortar, like SupplyDepot, Braundorf, Frostbite (first area) and others, we are removing this weapon on all maps, and not just battery.

No more knockback
Another thing we thought about, was the comment of in another column:

A skilled game which isn't real, but uses real weapons can't be removed at its foundations. Its maybe hard to hit someone, but if you check out clans playing on a real high level, its not interesting to make such a hard new touch of gameplay.

Anyway, with such changes, we wanna make ET more watchable for shows on GIGA and GIGA2, which we will bring you for sure, maybe also with some matches of the current EC.