As I already been posting in the other 'changing' threads, I would like to tell you guys my point (straight to the point righty).


I think the pronedelay is a bad solution for the guys who always prone in a 1on1. People that used it to hide in the game or just to take cover now have to suffer because people that couldn't win a normal 1o1 had to prone.

I don't even understand why it has been disabled, because proners are so easy to kill, its just part of the game.

I agree about the part people still can hide, but it takes a while before they can stand up which makes them very vulnerable, because the opponent can move towards them and kill them easily (or even in the back, because you just cant move).


Anyway I have started a poll about this issue, with the following options:

Should pronedelay being disabled again?

- Yes - as long as the starting spread stays
- Yes - without the starting spread (old school)
- No - leave it as it is
- No - disable +prone totally

You can vote on my webpage (thanks to hkrep for the hosting):

Link to vote


The goal I want to achieve with this, that the configs for 3on3 and 6on6 don't contain any pronedelay anymore (and maybe even no spread but thats up to the votes).

I hope you guys want to take the time to think about this and vote.