Since the introduction of KOTH, which stands for King Of The Hill appearently, there have been 2(?) matches to rate the top of ET. The founders of this well advertised system are claiming this is the number one feature the community needs in order to measure the top clans. *end of sarcastic spoiler*
image: ladder

'Top' rated clans

Personally, I find it hard to keep track of clans that are getting invited as 'top' teams in cups and tournaments. Every cup seems to have different high skilled teams that have been selected to full the open spots left in the void of organised cups. Being a bit nostalgic I seem to remember the days I started playing Enemy Territory we had a top of ET which had around 4 clans that were unquestionable the ET 'top'; Finland Dsky, Finland Gunslingers, Europe Dignitas, Austria PlanB. (count Poland Poison, Finland Broken in as well)
source: .

Apart from them being very skilled teams, they represented their skill by competing in the ladders. Not only was it fun to keep track of the battle on the top, it made it easy to rate top clans. Going even further in concluding(and maybe too much) it made the players stick with their teams because of the top being stable. Without the teams history and activity teams werent invited to Europe Eurocups or high skilled cups. This ensured that players picked their teams after thinking about it twice and sticking with the choice.
Where we used to rate clans by their names and history, it seems to me like we are now rating new teams(and existing ones) by the individual players that once played elsewhere.
Yesterday i had an amusing situation; A certain player could join a team but had to prove he was high skilled(ye..define that again?) basically because they had a specific player who had played for Europe <enter old school name here>. Seeing they had only 1 considerably skilled 'old school'-er and a brand new teamname, which seems to be the key to get invited and known these days, they thought they could demand to ask for high skilled players!
If, hypothetically speaking, this is the furture of our community, will there be as much commotion as this season about invites? And does this serve the community as becoming more competitive?


Everyone knows that playing officials is different from practices, even tho the same players are playing. Stress can either work out good or bad, and its common knowledge that unexperienced players are playing worse with stress(or officials for that matter). But to make a point; How many officials are being played these days? Do cups really count as expertise as they mostly permit squad changes(or mercs) and the results arent stored in some central database? If the answer would be no to that, what other results are accounted for when rating or inviting clans?

What purpuse has this column you might add after reading this. Well, let me conclude with a bit of a personalised summary;
By making the CB ladders(a KOTH system itself really) active again and supporting top rated teams to play in it, the following things might improve
[*] Clan rating might get back to 'normal' standard (instead of nowadays med+/high)
[*] Players are 'forced' to stick with a clan for EC/Alpha(for invites based on history/activity)
[*] Central database for everyone to use instead of measuring 1 day cups (the clanbase site is actually fast again =) )

My last sentence will be a question to you, as a reader of this column;
Do you think by using the CB ladder system as its supposed to be, the clanhop attitude and new team forming will be reduced? Furthermore, would it make future invites for clans in EuroCups more fair?

P.S. this column is dedicated to England Andeh and England Dark for wasting my tuesday evening on this column due to incapacity to play ET.