I promised myself I wouldn't write another column about cheating, but this one needs writing! I ask you to put yourself in the shoes of a clanleader named Sheep, and understand the difficulties faced by him and his new clan.

On Tuesday night United Kingdom Sheep proudly posted the announcement of myLegend gaming's latest roster. The team had big plans and a big newspost with the long term goal of progressing into RTCW 2 upon release.

As any new clanleader is, you are proud of your new roster and excited by the possibilities of your new members, in particular United Kingdom RasKl. RasKl's clan history stretches all the way back to the earliest parts of UK RTCW, with stints in r4ngers, muppetlabs and even as far back as CUNNY. At the time he was called V3n, and I for one at least was quite envious of his skills, he was in some very strong rosters.

Yesterday after the roster was announced, I messaged Sheep trying to remember who he was and where i knew his name from. Sheeps response was very positive, saying he had a brilliant aim, which for me at least was very believable.

Enter United Kingdom Dark & United Kingdom Andeh of rVc - It is said that your past can never escape you and for RasKl it appears he's no different. These two remember him under the name Nightwolf and after consulting Dark he gave me this story of events:

QuoteIt all started on a pub way back, Kevlar was on and he advertised for a clan. This was at like 3am in the morning, so me and a clan mate played him 1on1 on vahalla and invited him to trial. He played for a while, and I he said he was gonna win this duals thing and he played Sierra Leone Jakazc and beat him like 15-0, he then replayed him and lost. There were lots of posts on xfire about him hacking in the duals game but as his clanmates, we stupidly stood by him.

Later we played a CB game against m00! We had a spectator who spec'd nightwolf/raskal/phil all the game and it became obvious he was hacking, his tracking etc showed this, then he makes one big mistake. On oasis a guy is hiding at the mg and he (Raskl) turns round and the shoots the mg wall of which the player is on the other side of. After we confronted him he then admitted it to us he was cheating but the wallhack he was using does not show up on PB screens.

Dark went on to explain situations of Raskl playing and being kicked from SoF amongst other clans for the same reason.
DarK and Andeh have tried to spread the word about this player, and sent Sheep a link to a demo regarding the hacking on May 19th, and there are plenty of demos available regarding this player, but lets look at this from the other side of the story.

If you were Sheep and you had recruited someone who you had known for a while and someone accused them of cheating, what would you do? I tell you what, if I were in Sheeps position I wouldn't even look at the demo, I'd just ignore the pm (or possibly irc fight them!).
Infact if I was in this position knowing what I do about V3n which stretches back as long as I've been playing RTCW then I'd laugh at them. This guy has 4 years of a clean record, why on earth would I ever question that? Infact in my very own case I had the guy on msn cause I tried to recruit him once in RTCW.

Put yourself in Sheep's position for a second and be asked to question one of your clanmates, its not easy at all.
Perhaps now that a big part of the UK community has voiced their concerns, do you NOW start questioning the player, but up until this point I think alot of people would have reacted in the same vein and simply dismissed allegations if they were like Sheep, unaware fully of the previous allegations levelled at the player.

There are two sides to the story and the picture certainly is not black and white, especially as the player has never been formally banned by clanbase and thus never found guilty by a competition of cheating, so what is Sheep to do? Believe irc and kick someone out or go by what he knows and what he has spectated in his clanwars and call the player legitimate and continue?