"Help! he stole my mon..mone..packets!"
Probably used to hear it, use to know the same comments, even know what you are about to say.
It is "them" who I am talking about, they arent part of Europe, do they even have cars? How the hell can you live in a desert?

I can even tell how the face of the opponent looks when he sees the unstable ping, over 105 - indeed. Already connected, and just then the most common question of all that the answer to her is so obvious, even Einstein would know the answer!
"Where are you from?"
Oh no, we arent from "here". Just by looking at the Star of David flag you already know the answer, you already know the fact and the situation.
Then what is the situation? In one word:
Packet ping.
Since my memory isnt failing me this time, the Arabs stealing our packets, its not our fault, its them! Why dont we fight for better connection? We do, we fight the Arabs.
Israel isnt located in Europe as most of you know, it isnt part of the world for some you.
QuoteWhy do we lag?
Why is the world is round? The fact that Israel is far away from Europe is one thing, but hey, Italy and Spain arent that close either. The question still remains in the angry eyes of the people, how the hell can you play with someone that disapears after you gave him 2 headshots and suddenly you finding youself screaming for a medic. "Damn pingers! Get a connection!"
I'm not telling anything new, and probably now showing you some patch that will fix that ping, only telling you to look from another point of view. Oh yeah its possible.

Try to imagine yourself connecting into a server and you already know, you are about to get flamed and you are about to fight for your rights again. I thought we did it in 1948?
After the warmup finished, the actual in-game warmup is coming, you're actually shooting someone and you ping about 110 and he 48. Pressing the mouse and the shot coming 2 seconds after pressing it, kinda annoying. You succeeded to win in a 1v1 situation, oh I got you confused? No, you didn't win, you warped.
You cannot hit us but we can hit you, WE KNOW THAT.

So how possibly can you hit someone who keep disapearing from side to side, with his shots coming at late.
Let me rephrase it, how possibly can he hit you?
It is a point, while you are med-packing yourself he probably thinks that you are still leaning or in somewhere when you dont.
All the damn pauses, its obvious that we pause for connection problem or some idiotic desert storm. So the question remains, and the answer? Still hiding.. somewhere.
QuoteA solution?
Probably not everything comes with a solution, and absolutely this thread doesnt. Its not about trying to find a better connection, its about embracing it. Enlighten me!
When you try to embrace someone you usually ignore his limitations, is it possible in this case? When we cross the border so many times not only with our connection but with our so sophisticated comments. We have a variety of beautiful words ...
"whine". Well that conclude that much. Can't do much about it, only face it. Can you try to face the problem instead of neglecting it?
Its not about attacking the people, nor trying to make a revolution. I'm only trying you to open your eyes a bit, believe me it wont hurt as much as the cruel reality hurts to us. Dont hate the player hate the game, someone said it sometime about something. You want to go massive? Try to accept something that isnt so massive but indeed has a massive opinion. God indeed bless Europe (of course your God, not ours).
