This season may have failed to capture many s imagination, with clans that aren't even worth the standard "2 weeks" comment but now, the boys are back and we have a match worth our imagination and excitement.

It was just last night when I was rendering a clip for my movie and idle were involved, and it made me think, can I remember an ET world without idle? They've been mainstays in our community, whether its at the top of the game like most recently or somewhere in the middle and now they want to bring in the big prize.

You see idle have never won anything worth writing home about. We may all call them Quakecon champions and Eurocup champions, and whilst their website might say they've won those things, we know the truth. The truth being that it was u96d and Check 6 that can truly lay claim to those accolades, so success under the public spotlight can do the idle brand no harm what so ever. Whenever you talk to someone outside of ET about the game and its champions, everyone says Estonia but they don't say idle, tonight is the night to put those wrongs to bed.

Demiurge well, no such legacy there but a legacy for one man. Finland zeni sits on top of the Demiurge mountain with a big grin on his face. After plotting the successful conquest of Europe with Saevus, this emperor is out to prove he can do it all again. Whilst reports suggest he's not heavily involved in the day to day running of the team, what is Chelsea without Roman Abramovic? (As much as it saddens me to write that).

On Sunday night Germany Urtier threw comedy into the fire and his simple fire for effect caused a pause in the match and a thousand "lol"'s on ETTV. Yes that 7 man artillery kill was the rude awakening of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. This sleeping giant is back with a vengeance.
The game may currently be plagued with cheater allegations and may lack the charisma of big bucks and soap opera stories on the front page, but when you've 12 players who have shown us time and time again how this beautiful game should be played, I tell you, sit back and watch.

The beauty of this match? First of all if you ask me, you can scratch the word semi from this game, because theres nothing HALF about this match, this is a final! Not only that but it is the first and only time these two teams will meet, so what about those two teams?

Demiurge will line up with the following:

Sweden LoTiX
Finland Sanctity
Finland Torspo
Finland Tiigeri
Finland Jauhis
Belgium Xionn

Count yourself two Eurocup winners, one Optihack silver medallist and team that are dangerous.

LoTiX is out there hungry for glory, the swede is determined to get a Eurocup Gold in what looks to be his final outing in ET. Alongside him Sanctity, the man that made Airstrikes possible. In my commentating career I dread to think how many times I've mentioned "another kill by Sanctity's airstrike". ET has its allstars, but whilst many of the modern heroes were still little whipper snappers, it was Sanctity setting the pace with Dignitas and possibly one of the first ET Dream Team players.
Back that up with a man who was so good, that 50% of the community were convinced he cheated! Torspo is back after his recent 15 minutes of fame.
Tiigeri will man the rifle, the age old tradition of strong Finnish rifle nades continues in this man and well if we're truly honest, the age old tradition of Finland being better than the rest of Europe is evident throughout this roster!
Jauhis is an unsung hero with an OpenCup and Eurocup gold to his name, and his recent addition to this roster has truly rounded off all the edges on this lineup.
But speaking of a diamon in the rough, Xionn lines up knowing that there is a Eurocup medal that he should already have up for grabs. The man that was present at the start of Kreaturen RTCW, at the start of Saevus ET but now hes in the right place at the right time and will he finally get the medal he deserves?

Tiigeri had this to say before the game:

QuoteWell of course I have to admit that idle is the most feared clan atm, but we are quite optimistic about the match, we know that we can win if everything goes really well. We feel sympathy for Sanctity as well, as he played in Dignitas they didn't lose a round when winning EC, so if idle is going to win this ec, we are going to make our best effort to make them lose at least one round so that dignitas (and sanctity can keep their record). :)
But seriously, I think people haven't seen the best of demiurge yet, finally we have had stable lineup (for one week or something:), and for the first time in this ec we dont have a new lineup for new game. It's going to be extremely difficult game for us, but on the other hand I think idle feels a bit same.
I heard a rumour that night has wrote a 2 page essay for his team members about frostbite, which they think to be our map choice. :) Good luck to Idle, may you die in pieces!

There's everything you need in a team present, the question is are these players ready to step up one more time?

The same question can be posed to their opposition, Europe who will line up like this:

Estonia Night
Estonia Holz
Netherlands teKoa
Germany urtier
Germany senji
United Kingdom adzz

Count yourself 1 Quakecon winner, 1 Quakecon Bronze, 1 Eurocup Gold and a cabinet filled with Eurocup Silver and Bronze medals and you have yourself the favourites!

Night sits behind only compatriot Intact as the most successful Enemy Teritory player of all time, whether its rifle or machine gun you dont argue with a man that has won what he has, his record speaks for itself, perfection.
Holz recently stated that he didn't know where his gaming future lied after this Eurocup. An RTCW & ET ever present who was in Dallas at this years Quakecon is ready to possibly bow out at the top.
Tekoa ranks right up there with many of the players from Gunslingers and DSky as those who simply deserve a big fat gold medal. Whenever you call someone "The Best" you put them up on a pedestal to be shot down, but when teKoa is around he does the shooting, you do the dieing. Recent Nations Cup Gold is only a consolation prize for a man that deserves Gold in clan activity.
Urtier rose to fame with 141 in Eurocup 10, it was he that put the final nail in many a coffin and his trademark airstrikes are back in business! Ironic that it was Urtier (the last to play gunslingers in EC) who emulated Ceesam of Gunslingers monumental 7 man strike, is this Eurocup bronze and silver medalist ready to go all the way?
Senji follows in Urtiers footsteps as a player deserving and ready to go to that final hurdle, the pinnacle of German medical efficiency runs through him and the need for him in this lineup.
When he joined Digital Heresy in RTCW we were told to watch out for him, and they weren't wrong! Addz completes the idle lineup after returning from Azeroth to put his trademark aim to the test against the flying Finns.

Idle.Holz had this to say about the game:

Quote We will do our best to get the first place in Eurocup, so this means we will do our best to win this game. I got nothing much to say, i haven't played them, hard to tell. But as i have heard, they are good, come on, team with Xionn has to be good :). Still, good luck to viewers, players and admins, will be last game for one of us and a damn good game!

All thats left now is to sit back and enjoy poetry in motion. Crossfire and Inside the Game will be here at your beck and call, serving popcorn and fizzy drinks whilst ET works its magic one more time!