Interview has taken place
Now that FlyingDJ has left iTG, I am to take over Lugerfrag. And for the next episode I am contacting Adacore to talk about the recent critiques on Clanbase. This interview will not be live, as Adacore is leaving for a holiday to Croatia for 2 weeks on Friday. The interview will take place tommorow. Therefore I am asking you, if you have something to say to Clanbase, do it now, or forever hold your silence.

The idea is simple, tommorow evening I will interview Adacore, and play that during the show. You can send all the critique you have to [email protected] or just reply to this column. I am looking for argumentated critique only. So not replies like "omfg CB you suck, plz burn in hell". But like "why was manki not banned", or "what happened to the torspo game" or "what exactly happened with that dude who recently wrote a column concerning Clanbase".

Basically, if you have any questions to ask Clanbase, or any tips or so, now is your chance. Leave your remarks, critiques, questions or tips in this column or send them to me via email.

Adacore will ofcourse be able to prepare to these questions, so sometimes he might say a lot without actually saying anything :-)

If you are a cheat-expert, on guidspoofing etc, feel free to contact me with your info on how easy it is to cheat without getting caught. You will stay anonymous, you have my word. If you dont trust me, you can create new irc account and contact me on irc, or create new email and email me:-) But I would like to know my stuff ofcourse.

Just to add, incase it wasn't clear: these questions do not need to be Adacore related. They can be about the entire ET admin section and their decisions of CB.

Thank you for your cooperation."

Lugerfrag will most likely not commence on Sunday 1800 CET. The time will change, the date will most likely be the same, although it might change too.

Column being moderated - serious comments only please