It's been but a month since the last EuroCup semi final, that somewhat anti-climatic penultimate encounter between Northern Darkness and riZe Gaming. But what a month it's been. The shock announcement of Quakecon, Crossfire LAN and what some claim the brink of a Third World War in the Middle East. As Renee Alstead [almost] famously sang, "What A Difference A Month Makes."

JakaZc is back from his jollies, it's time to crack on with the Enemy Territory action.

From twenty to two, we've whittled down the nobodies to leave the two greatest active clans of the movement. Two deserving teams, an underdog and a champion – a real David and Goliath encounter. Though many regard as the clear favorites, one can’t underestimate Northern Darkness. They’ve surpassed everyone’s pre-tournament expectations, going unbeaten throughout the entire EuroCup season. Turning over the likes of sFx Evil, demiurge and competition favorites riZe Gaming.

Changes Afoot

If ever there was a proverbial spanner in the works this was it. The announcement of Quakecon has seen clan loyalty thrown aside, ensuring changes in both teams starting six.

But don't let the hype fool you, things aren't all rosé at idle. The loss of "mike" can't be understated, not only effecting their team-play, but the individual skill of the starting six. It’s surprising that a team of idle’s stature has to draft in such an inferior player as ‘adzz’. Inactivity, apathy and an addiction to WoW has seen "adzz" disappear from the ET radar, he's a shadow of the player he once was, and unlike every other member in this idle roster, wouldn’t start in any other EC team. His performance against demiurge was less than impressive, only getting one kill in the opening round. So why then are Europe's best, former EuroCup and Quakecon Champions going with an average player in the biggest match of the year?

Equally, the Northern Darkness camp is thwart with controversy. Mr clan-hopper himself feruS has pulled another feat of pre-Quakecon craziness. Last year in amongst the Quakecon furor feruS changed clans no fewer than three times in an attempt to reach Dallas – this years been no different. Since returning to face riZe Gaming in the semi final for ND, he’s made the switch to European rivals, and tonight’s opponents There is though, some small comfort for Northern Darkness, due to ClanBase rules no player can compete for two clans in a EuroCup – so feruS will not be allowed to play tonight.

If the loss of feruS wasn’t bad enough, star man kris has also caught the Quakecon fever. EuroCup now a distant memory, not even on the same playing field when compared to a $30000 Quakecon tournament. Since revealing the allstar KiH roster last week he’s joined up with KiH teammates to practice hard. With priorities elsewhere, kris is now inactive for Northern Darkness.


That age old adage, Northern Darkness have failed to read the script. Just scraping through their pre-qualifier match with ‘Warriors of Wolfenstein’ ND have only dropped two maps since. If I was to draw parallels, they are a more successful Gods Incorporated of EC XII – defying the critics that labeled them two weekers. Thankfully Northern Darkness have managed to keep a relatively stable roster, keeping a consistent starting six until last months semi-final with riZe. With time comes teamwork, an understanding develops between the players bringing out the best in each player. It’s also fair to say, the ND players get along. Their foray into Warsow CTF was a testament to how much they’re enjoying playing together. This can only bode well for what is their biggest match of the year.


If you’d have asked me this when the original schedule was set –I’d have said a walkover by idle, as would every other sane person. Regardless of the fact ND had an active feruS in their starting six, they’d still be no match for a practicing idle team. But, since then situations have changed. Night has stated idle now consider the EuroCup more-or-less irrelevant, instead they’re focusing on practicing 5v5 in preparation for Quakecon. This one factor could be the saving grace for Northern Darkness, their opportunity to produce the biggest upset in Enemy Territory history. That’s not to undermine ND, their unbeaten streak is testament to their strength. That said, idle will win. They’ll win by shear aim alone, players of the caliber as teKoa don’t grow on trees. Both teams will win their home maps, with idle taking the decider. 4 – 2 idle


If this national diversity in the teams rosters wasn’t enough, there being seven different nationalities on display tonight, will put on no fewer than five shoutcasts, each in their native language. Coupled in with an amazing 1500 ETTV slots we’re in for a great night. But, if ETTV isn’t for you - there’s a rumor doing the rounds that Radio iTG might be on hand with a live video stream.



Estonia Night
Estonia Holz
Germany senji
Germany urtier
Netherlands teKoa
United Kingdom adz

Europe Northern Darkness

Croatia aCozz
Croatia gmx
Slovenia JaKaZc
Estonia asd
France emoreJ
Belgium dAvid

One To Watch

Germany urtier – throughout his ET ‘career’ urtier has been the strongest field op around. Devastating opponents in various Atlantic Battle’s, European Allstars and for Junk52. This is his fourth consecutive EuroCup, each time he’s reached the knock out stages – even losing last seasons final to uQ Gaming [Parodia]. He’ll start the match as the most motivated player on the battlefield, this his last chance to actually win something worthwhile.

All thats left now is to sit back and enjoy. From here on in there's no second chances, no double elimination, the winner takes it all. GamesTV and Radio iTG will be here at your beck and call, serving popcorn and fizzy drinks whilst ET works its magic one more time!