When you read through the esl forums, the first requests on a 2on2 Ladder started 2 years ago. As we have found an active adminteam to manage all the stuff and rules, we are now going to get everything ready to present the first ESL 2on2 Ladder for Enemy Territory.

image: 26156The Config
As long as we have not published any 2on2 config, the Xfire.be & ESL 3on3 config will be used in every match.

The Ladder
The new ladder will start as soon as we have found enough teams in it to start the challenges. Feel free to signup for this fun ladder and to turn on more acitity in the esl ladders.
-- Sign up

The Opening Cup
For each new ladder, we are going to bring you a small cup running with 16 teams in august, to show you, how it should be played. In a single elimination system, you will have 1 match every week starting with the first playday on 07.08.2006.
-- Sign up

Feel free to give us feedback and to make new proposes.

image: header

The Maps
We thought what we should take into the mappool and finally came to the decision to make up a mix of the smaller 3on3 maps and the 1on1 maps.
It will be hard to play Silly CTF if you can throw airstrikes and point artys, but aslong as we dont have any other config its allowed. Feel free to agree with your opponent on another Xfire.be & ESL Config to play on.
Braundorf is a fast map in every competition nowaday, no matter if we talk about 3on3 or 6on6. You can attack very fast and with the right tactics, you will be able to defend and attack on it successful.
SupplyDepot2 is "teh classic and overplayed shit" everyone loves. We are going to make you even more sick of it and allow you to play on it.
In addition to the 2on2 Maps, we've selected the two RTCW Maps called Frostbite and TC Base to round it up.

The Config
Since the fall season with its IPS is already planned, we are going to organize a new config package.
To release an official 2on2 config, it needs testing to improve the 3on3 with a couples of mixes out of the 1on1 config to find the right stuff which we can use.
My propose is to remove the classes soldier and fieldop completly in this config. Which brings more advantage on the team playing with only one medic for a while.
The spawntimes should be reduced equally on all maps to make spawnkilling harder and to make it more fun playing this mode.
The timelimits of the maps should be reduced too, since we need many motivated fast matches in there.

Feel free to test the new system with the 3on3 config by joining the 2on2 opening cup. The ladder will be opened as soon as we have enough members for it.

More Links:
ESL News (en)
ESL News (de)
Xfire.be & ESL Config Package
ESL Forum thread