This has had me concerned for quite some time, but does seem to be a worrying trend occurring. I don't know if this has been present in the community since its origin, I do unfortunately believe it probably has and will continue.

I'm one of the biggest supporters for making this community greater and whatever it takes for more recognition in the gaming world; whether it be GIGA and coverage or LAN events by However there does seem to be something tingeing the game for the worse, and that is money.

Yes as crazy and stupid as that sounds, it seems that the green stuff is having a bad effect on the game. Yes call me whatever you find necessary for stating the obvious but it really just has broken into epic proportions recently. This all comes down to the players for which all the blame can be cast. Of course it is understandable that some players have real life issues (or wish to retire) or genuinely wish to move to a better team in there opinion. But the current onrush of player movement on the “market” has been worrying to say the least. This is mainly down to four things

Crossfire Prizefight LAN

I will give credit where its due, all of these are great things for the game on a whole and Chosen/ESL,Tosspot/Xfire crew and Clanbase should be applauded. Following news of the middle especially a torrent of change has been sowing its way at the top of the scene and numerous announcements of new teams, new line-ups, and players returning from the grave all in the aim of grabbing a handful from the happy Gilmore pot of gold. On first glances some people may think that the on surge of bygone players of bygone eras is a positive thing for the scene, I will say that they will be found out soon enough skill wise. The scene and the game has evolved and the players which some hold dear just cant perform the miracles that have made them famous, the new talents of the game are taking there spot at the top of the game and writing there own history. This however isn't the main point of the article. The main thrust of opinion I'm trying to divulge is that of loyalty, or the complete lack of it.

Belgium zet0
Hungary seNti
Netherlands Ati_
Belgium kevin
Belgium Lioco
Germany murda

This as many will know is the new Helix squad, created with the sole intention of ESL IPS in mind. I'm sure that if ESL is half way successful they will indeed try for Eurocup, but again drifting away from the point. Many will agree that this squad is a shadow of even the former team with Germany murda a lingering figure of the former team. Belgium kevin is an exciting prospect in many peoples opinion, however his actions out of the server has had a negative effect on his reputation and many have branded him a clan hopper. Opening the Euro Cup season with Belgium cZar and managing to pull off a impressive 3-1 victory over a strong Germany riZe side couldn't have been a better result. But then it came he upped and left for the relativity unknown intellic. Dust was settled and for the remaining campaign Belgium zet0 and Lioco continued the flag for the Belgian powerhouse until there were narrowly put out in the group stage. Belgium cZar declared players were taking a break but in fact both the formerly mentioned upped and left for the new Belgium Agony Realm.

Hungary seNti made it to the Euro Cup quarter finals with Europe 141 but was humbled by the mighty Estonia Now he finds himself leaving a inactive 141 side at the drop of a hat to join Helix. However it is noted that 141 have a team already entered in for ESL ISP so why was the change necessary ? Netherlands Ati_ was inactively ploughing his trade at Belgium Influx until the Helix line-up was announced, much to the surprise of Influx whom knew nothing of his team change until the announcement was made.

Moving forward to present events, this new roster unfortunately highlights my point where by 3 of these members have been been in the 3 clans since the start of Euro Cup (Belgium kevin recently moved on from Europe myLegend formally intellic) and 2 of these Belgium zet0 and Lioco, 3 clans in a handful of months. A sorry state of affairs if there ever was one. Long live Belgium.

Players make and destroy clans, through the actions of some players some will fold some will evolve and strengthen, much is down to the character of the leader. Belgium kevin nearly destroyed myLegend, England Sheep even posted a cless thread on xfire but they live. As Belgium mAus left for Germany riZe, this opened the way for zet0 and Lioco to leave AgonyRealm as well.

Is this really what the top of our game looks like at the moment ?
Belgium dNzl
Belgium mesq
Belgium snot
Belgium ziff
Denmark oBs
Switzerland gifty

Germany biqq
Germany evil
Germany conan
Germany drago
Germany riddla
Germany second
Netherlands mike/guardian

Spreading Death
Netherlands joop
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands Wesbo
Netherlands mize
Malta toxic
Germany brot
Denmark gyzr
Denmark exq

Zero Point
Germany chaoz
Belgium edge
Germany gambit
Belgium kritos
Finland notaari
Netherlands rAMBOH
Netherlands rbnt
Finland zomme

Germany butchji
Germany Hatred
Germany keran
Netherlands LiCiD
Belgium mAus
Germany pumu

Germany eLc
Germany Snoop
Austria Kerialy
Belgium Ganon
Belgium Shewie
Germany Shy

Undoubtedly Eurocup/ESL IPS are good things, pinnacles of our game in fact, no barrier for the very best to compete. But if the current trend of Multi game clans sponsoring a mix of well known players, players turning there backs on a Eurocup final to compete for a mythical check across the Atlantic, people letting down friends for a hint of currency then they will soon be found out by the true greats whom have perfected the game through communication and teamwork which has taken years to perfect and will continue to rule, god bless a model team for both skill and dedication.