Christmas comes but once a year and whilst Santa is working hard for December, its time to go to the North Pole of Texas...DALLAS!image: infensus_s
Theres something special about Quakecon that for Wolfenstein players, rivals that of Christmas, whether its the salt in the burgers or the heat out side, Quakecon never fails to bring out the best in our beloved genre.

In 2005 Quakecon had no right to be exciting. Check 6 powered into the grand finals without breaking sweat. However with one grab, and one almighty strike of the tactical nuke 'United5' gave us a final that wont be forgotten. Whilst yes 'Check6' took the victory, for a brief moment it was 'United5' that captivated the excitment and glory of the wolfenstein series.

In 2003, the last great Return to Castle Wolfenstein LAN oozed with skill and excitement. An allstar cast of Europes finest flew to Dallas to steam roll the Americans. iNfensus looked as efficient as ever, and quite happily took their crown with a performance that was a simple masterclass by the greats of the game. One way traffic it may have been, but who can forget the drama of the tournament. wSw, a noname team from the states tearing through 4Kings amongst others. The 'West Side Wolves' were powerful and organised, only to be undone when they faced 4kings again on Village, Village the very map that they lost twice to be written into the history books as 'the nearly men' of RTCW. Affliction's infamous complaints that their opposition could hear them, and the match to end all matches on base between GMPO and Affliction, it was captivating viewing at its best.

In 2002, We had returned to Castle Wolfenstein for just one year and it was to be the Americans that would set the pace. Quake legends czm and Wombat tried their luck with an MP40, and whilst czm may have been on the wrong end of the most classic moment in Wolfenstein history, former CPL champion Wombat, was not to be defeated in his Doctors side. It was iNfensus again that flew the flag for Europe, and it was iNfensus that pulled off the double defuse of the century on Assault against all odds to pull the game back and send them into the final. The grand final itself...sensational doesn't even come close to describing it.

The Ice is nice when its in Dallas! Yes it was Ice that hosted iNfensus and Doctors in the grand final of possibly the greatest overall Quakecon to date. Ice also the scene for united5's challenge to Check6, aswell as the upset of 4kings to wSw in 2003.

Theres something magical about Quakecon. Sometimes their announcements and decisions can rock a community, and yet they always turn out for the best. Prior to Quakecon 2003 the new Quakecon Config had the RTCW community in uproar, should everyone change? Should just the Quakecon teams change, when you're talking about going from white maps to dark maps, its a big decision.
For Quakecon to feature Wolfenstein in 2006 was far fetched to say the least, and yet in one swoop the Con blew a breath of fresh air into the community that will now once again sit in awe of what happens half way around the world.

Quakecon brings people together, sure it cant stop the war in the middle east, but when Quakecons on, the world watches. They sit on ventrilo, they sit on ettv and chat, they spam and most importantly they enjoy! Each and every year something new to chat about, something new to enjoy.

Quakecon is one of the few major lans across the pro gaming scene that still features a massive BYOC area. Quakecon as an event, is as much a community gathering as it is another stop on the eSports calender, its those defining factors that makes Quakecon unique. And Quakecon is exactly that, unique and wonderful, possibly because it never once uses the word "eSports" on its website. It dosent try to change the world of eSports and save the world, it is what it is, gamers congregating having fun and some of them striking oil in Texas and getting rich!

Every player who has ever held the mp40 wants to play at Quakecon. It is a place for the elite, it a place for the special and it is the place where heroes are born. Mariah Carey said it best, "When a hero comes along, Have the strength to carry on" and you better believe Wolfenstein will carry on.

We in the Wolfenstein community may only get once a year to shine on the greatest stage of all. But when we do, and when theres some five figure dollar sign up for grabs, we never fail, and we never will.

Bring on the revives, bring on the panzers, bring on the teamwork, Quakecon's here!

Useful Nostalgia:

[*] iNfensus vs clan Kapitol Assault Defuse Movie Download
[*] GMPO Road to Quakecon Frag Movie Google Video or Download
[*] iN vs Doctors 2002 Finals Demo Download
[*] TosspoT's Quakecon 2005 Review Read