This weekend sees Quakecon playing host to ET for the second time, but second time around things are different!

This column will tackle issues with the Crossfire Quakecon team, and the future of Crossfire and why the coming months are exciting times to be in this community.

First things first, the team has now all departed for Dallas. Some moments ago I received a message from Potter desperately seeking the hotel address (Yes both he and Darky managed to forget bringing that with them!). They are both in Toronto at the moment prior to their connection to Dallas. Last night Darky wrote a brief journal prior to leaving for Dallas Read it here.

I caught up with Butchji prior to his departure for first Philadelphia and then Dallas, he had this to say:

QuoteI want to thank everyone of the RtCW & ET community who donated money for the Crossfire-Team to participate at the Quakecon and of course the mysterious sponsor. :)
We are training really hard because we don't want to disappoint the donators and the guys who believe in us and I think we can say proudly that we improved alot.
The tournament will be extremely hard to win because of idle with the brain itself " Night " but we have a QuakeCon winner in our team, as well (r3vers!). :D
KiH will perform well, too and maybe some underdog from the states. The only US team we played was Kinetic and I don't know anything about the other teams.
I'm looking forward to a great time in Dallas and wish everyone who is involved with the QuakeCon the same!

There has been one change to the team Sanctity dropped out with gazeta replacing him instantly. Gazeta has a lovely 8 hour wait at Helsinki airport right now, on which I'm sure he's planning on killing me. He's been practising with the team for over a week now, and offers vital Quakecon experience which the team will benefit from, I have no doubt.

In addition to the teams attendance at Quakecon, our sponsor has kindly sent their own camera team to create a documentary about the teams participation at the event, which will be distributed on a variety of mediums, one of which very similarly to that of 4Kings Quakecon adventure in 2003.

The team heads to Dallas under the Crossfire name amidst the most exciting period this site has had.

The coming months will see the launch of Crossfire 3, with some lovely added functionality, GamesTV integration, downloads and more. Design wise, our beloved taLa has had to deal with a late design change as we revert to a more evolving design rather than revolution (i.e. more xf2 like). I will attempt to soften the blow now and warn you that there are more adverts inbound, one of which is rather large and ugly. BUT, that will allow us to continue working on the second exciting part of the coming month which is the Crossfire Lan, upcoming in Rotterdam this September.

The lan will be the first step in what I foresee as this communities evolution. How long must our games go without support? How long must we be 100% dependant on Eurocup and Quakecon for love? The lan is stage one, aswell as other cogs in a larger machine that will see Crossfire hopefully able to stage more events and more love to this community. One of those cogs will be the money generated from the teams performance at Quakecon, but we are in no means reliant on their performance giving us our future.

Crossfire is on the verge of some exciting prospects and its down to the hard work of the whole team, there are alot of unsung heroes on the team here that work tirelessly for this community and one goal/motivation I have for the lan itself is to also make it something of a celebration of how far this site and its community have come. All 7759 of this sites members make it what it is.

Its time to enjoy Quakecon! Nellie and Angrykid (with their respective teams) are working hard on keeping both Crossfire & GamesTV fully udpated with News, Results, IP's, and Reports. I will be at the venue with iTG and we will be providing a video stream from the event, aswell as updating this site. Additionally the players will be playing their part by giving updates from the event too.

Sit back and enjoy!