Quakecon 2006...

Some months ago, nobody thought Quakecon would have another edition. Finding a good location to settle a big amount of gamers was the problem because housing into the previous Qcon location was far from possible.
All speculations and rumours about a possible cancellation of the event were rejected by United States of America Aaron 'Alric' Ferguson - the Executive Director of QuakeCon & United States of America 'Nate' Borland - Director of Competitions . They confirmed there would be a 11th edition of the fabulous LAN event.

A few weeks later, Qcon was announced but the question was: Is Enemy Territory or RTCW on the complist? Uruguay Fusen made some nice newsitems which are viewable HERE & HERE

Long before this, On Fri 17 Mar 2006 to be exactly, Canada Blazen made a little petition to vote ET onto the list. Some of you thought it was ridiculous, others were glad someone made the first step to make Qcon organisers aware of the beauty/activity of this game.

The final confirmation of ET being on Qcon came on Thu 13th of July, 3 weeks before the start of it.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 5v5 - $30,000

A crowd favorite from many years past, get ready to gather up the best team possible to trounce the competition in round after round of

Nazi-killing goodness.

• 1st Place $15,000
• 2nd Place $10,000
• 3rd Place $5,000

3 Weeks? A little bit short to search for a sponsor/team willing to send a team to the USA, isn't it? No fucking way was United Kingdom TosspoT's first thought on this statement! Not even 2 hours later he made a great newsitem and launched 'The Crossfire Appeal'. His idea was far from realistic but ofcourse not impossible. Xfire collected already some money from google-ads and ofcourse in the first place they were dependent from the generous xfire visitors.

5000 € is quite a lot but after 1 day the first 1000 € was safely onto the xfire bank account, amazingly! After a debatable newpost with the famous words: Quakecon....Who goes, You decide! 100+ different lineups were given by the xfire users! Users which were desperate to see a godlike xfire allstar team. A team that bashes the shit out of the Americans and bring home the gold without having any problems!

We did it... was the newspost everybody was waiting for! Through a mystery sponsor Crossfire has raised the money to send its team to Quakecon. Xfire admins were absolutely delighted with the manner a community like this was able to collect the money to send a team to the USA. Nice, w00t, hooray, awesome and other abundant replies were the reaction onto this.

The debatable Lineup was the inducement of a big whine news item. The "who goes, you decide" was not possible because of very narrow timelimits. Some of you were happy with the lineup others thought it was a joke. Sanctity was replaced by Gza later on.
Europe Xfire Allstar Team
Germany butchji
Austria potter
Austria Darky
Estonia gazeta
Estonia r3vers

This team consists of 5 world class ET players. German aimbeast butchji, a magical Austrian duo Potter & Darky in combination with the Estonian ET-heroes Gza & r3vers. A lot of questionmarks were put behind this lineup but i guess they can give us some great entertainment over there!

Some days later, RTCW legends KiH announced their Quakecon roster. We can see a nice lineup and as you can see, xfires choice Netherlands Kris is in the lineup, i'm happy for him!
Europe/Sweden KiH
Switzerland gifty
Sweden FeTTe
Sweden smutzig
Netherlands kris
Estonia reload

RTCW legends & Swedish oldtimers FeTTe and smutzig revived KiH by making an ET squad. Maybe a weird combination, but again 5 names which are talented and experienced enough to beat every American team over there. Mr. Spam aka the Swiss Gifty in combination with great aimers like Kris and Reload will give specs some firework. Will FeTTe and smutzig be able to reach their golden period KiH niveau of the past? If so, this team is a fresh, unexpected Quintet which will perform very well!

Another contestant in the USA is Europe/Estonia Idle.ee
The EC XIII winners are maybe the best team ever in ET and surely the nr 1 favourite for the majority of the ET scene to run away with the big prize, namely 15,000 $. Their lineup in the Hilton Anatole is:
Europe/Estonia Idle
Germany urtier
Germany senji
Estonia Night
Estonia Holz
Sweden feruS

No TeKoa indeed, but we'll see him in action on the upcoming xfire LAN @ Rotterdam! On the other hand they have topaimers like Senji and ferus. Urtier is maybe the best Fops around and with Night they have the best teamplayer/mastermind in their team. Holz has the experience and knowledge to make this lineup the absolute favourite!

Now just turn back time... Did you ever thought this Qcon would have another edition, with another ET compo and 3 very strong European teams? I personaly, don't think so! The next few days, we can enjoy Europe's finest on an American LAN.

Please entertain us!!

