image: quakecon2006_web_button
So Quakecon is now underway in earnest! It is Day 1 and whilst there are no matches being played today, there has still been plenty of action!

Yesterday the team came together and did Dallas if you will. Whilst during the day, they got to know one another and I was away setting up with iTG, at night the crossfire team started to really get to know one another (no sexual connotation!). We went to TGI Fridays for dinner and had a great meal, admittidly these wimps couldnt finnish the food they were bought (last time I buy them dinner!)

Later we came back to the hotel for a game of Poker. Some of you might have read potters journal building up the hype to the poker game, "Who will win?" - Well in all honesty there was never any doubt about who would win, and I am more than happy to gloat about it! The poker finished with revers going out first, followed by Potter and Spartan and it was left to ReDeYe and myself to lead the way, with this crossfire head admin winning :)

This morning registration was done, all three european teams registered without problem. At last check there were 15 teams signed up for the ET tournament and I knew of more that were outside waiting, so it looks like the American teams have put on a good show and are here in full force. I wont hide my ignorance, in all honesty I only know a few of them - warped sanity and no remorse in particular.

Signing up was fun, it was a great oppourtunity for us to abuse idle and inparticular ferus on camera. We have a documentary team out here with us filming about the team and the event. The team will offer the site and the community some huge exposure through this documentary, and we've some great moments already captured that I wont spoil for you!

The most pressing question on many peoples lips was what hair style will r3vers show up with? Well...its a modified (smaller) version of last years style and we've given him an incentive for this years tournament...Win the tournament or lose your hair! I think its pretty fair in all honesty.

I was chatting to Italy Stermy (Quake 4) for a while and he asked will iTG be covering the ET tournament. I said of course, and explained about how much coverage we do for ET to which he stunned me by turning around saying "I really love this game". Turns out that this Quake legend has a closet love for our game that stems back years, as he used to play ET whilst practicing Quake 3.

Quakewars is here, it still looks great fun. Its still has that great fun aspect of battlefield, but the dependance on one another still dosent feel the same way as it does in Wolfenstein. How many people playing the game for the first time care about their teammates and objective though? So theres still a lot to be explored.

The Quake 4 tournament has an allstar cast that is going to be a true joy to watch, the big names are here all bar Fox who was turned away at the border. It turns out hes been visiting the states too frequently and they deemed that he had been working here and they sent him home, oops!

Quakecon is running unprecidently smoothly, everything is setup and running perfectly, which for day 1 at Quakecon is a new record. There is that same Quakecon buzz and its got a fantastic atmosphere around the venue, I cannot wait for things to kick off!