Game On Special Edition

Netherlands Loekino

This is the first Game On Special Edition, and you might ask yourself; why? Well, because this guy is just worth it. He worked his ass of day and night to read all the post and comments that were (and still are) made on (and other sites), and he gave his opinion about them. But not always just his opinion, sometimes he inserted some flame or just senseless and useless crap... He checks the site more then anyone else, and that makes him special. But this Special Edition will not only feature an interview with Loekino himself. I also asked some other people to give their opinion. But more about that later, first Loekino gets to do what he loves, talk! And what makes it even more interesting for him, is that he can talk about himself...

image: gameon

- Hello Loekino.

Hello xRio

- I don't think you need a big introduction, but could you tell us something about yourself?

I'm Laurens "Loekino" Frankenhuizen 15 years old, i life in The Dutcherlands. I'm a pretty lazy guy and 24/7 behind my pc :)

- We've all experienced your obsession with replying on posts. How come you're always there to give your opinion, or just spam senseless crap?

Well I just like community sites. They make games even more nicer, I always try to give my opinion but most of the time people say its senseless, flame or crap (have to agree sometimes though if I read my old comments from 2002 and from Xfire). And its just something I like to do because I haven't got much to do.

- So most of your flame or crap wasn't intended as flame or crap, but as your opinion. Doesn't that mean that your opinion is crap or just a bit too harsh?

Well I said "(have to agree sometimes though if I read my old comments from 2002 and from Xfire)" that means some of them were just useless spam. But my opinion is my opinion, people can think what they want about it, but I wont change it.

- Througout the "years" you built up a reputation in both positive and negative forms, are you proud of it?

Thats a hard question.. I think yes at the moment, but don't see it like I only post there for the reputation. Somehow if I check old posts from years ago I would say "who is that retard". But sometimes it is anoying too, if you play ET and people start saying "loekino the xfire spammer?" and "Zomg are you the guy with no life and checks xfire 24/7". Kind of funny in a different way too.

- Never thought of leaving the community behind and don't worry about all those journals anymore?

Not rly. Because I don't have much other things to do. and I never thought about leaving the community just for nothing.

- How come you don't have much other things to do? Why not put some more time in sports or something...

Don't say that kinda evil words to me. I tried some sports but I just dont like them (+ I suck at them). And all my friends who I used to hang out with outside are all addicted to ET or now some newer games thanks to me :P.

- You became "Site Administrator" last week. How did you manage to gain that position?

Buy TosspoT a new PC and buy much diet cola for him! Nah, I just was thinking about Xfire, and maybe I could help them with some things, like: referee matches. Then I started to talk with TosspoT, and he said "you want to be general admin?" I said that would be nice and he said that I check Xfire more then other members do, and that it could be good for me to join up.

- So what will be your tasks? Do you have to screen the journals instead of spamming them?

Hehe, no. I already set up some bots for the IRC channel (#crossfire), and I just keep an eye on "bad words" and "bad pictures".

- If you could become the best gamer of the world for the rest of your life, but in exchange you would have to spend your whole life inside (so also no LAN's). Would you take it?

But I'm already the best ffs! :P, No way it would be cool to be the best gamer, but well for big events (quakecon etc..) you have to go to some LAN's, else it's useless anyway to be the best gamer.

- So if you would be allowed to go to LAN's you would take it?

Well I think I would take it, but I wont live long if I cant get outside :). And besides, most of the time I play for fun.

- Thanks for the interview. Shoutouts?

Shoutouts to!: Maikel, Banaan, lama, and the other people from my clan. Aramusha, Immortal, lwo, people from Greece. clan Fraggers Anonymous, all the members of xfire, to xRio to make some free time for me, and alllll the other ppl i forgot.

But what Loekino didn't know was that this wasn't the only thing that would be part of this special edition. As earlier mentioned I asked some questions to people who know him, first of all: his little brother. He's also playing ET and by surprise I met him at a public server under the nickname: Poeki!. I asked him a couple of things about living with Loekino...

- Hi Poeki


- I think alot of people don't know you (yet). Could you introduce yourself please?

Well i'm Paul 14 years .. I'm Dutch, I play ET, COD2 and Maplestory (with hacks :P)

- Now tell me, how do you experience living in the same house as Loekino?

Ehm I didn't know that he was so famous but it's like fun 'cause I get all his CFG's etc.. that kind of stuff if my comp. is too slow for a game he gives me advice about tweaking.

- But besides gaming, so I'm talking about everydays life if you know what I mean... :P

Sometimes he's irritating me (all brothers are kind of that I think, lol). But when he comes home, he always immediatly goes to his PC, I do the same... If we go to eat he doesn't say anything at all, that's always the same, only my parents talk then. But he's funny. He doesn't like children who are boring.

- Are you aware of his reputation as "spammer"?

Yes, I know that he's a spammer... I like it! :D

- Are you planning on becoming a spammer at too?

No, I dont like copying someone... I hate lamers you know ;)

- Want to say something to all those friends of your brother at

Yes... don't copy him! Just be nice to him then he's nice to you, and if you want his CFG... ask him in another way then; "May i have your CFG???" That is nubish... But have fun with Loekino's interview!! Support #fif.gaming @ quakenet. - Greetz Poeki.

You heard him, don't copy Loekino!! Besides his little brother, I also asked some people who know Loekino from ET what they thought about him and what their experiences were with him.

United Kingdom TosspoT:
My experience with Loekino... Well Loekino is a many of them coming in short bursts coming in the shape of a post on Crossfire. Its rumoured that when Crossfire goes down, Loekinos hair falls off! Other than that, hes a great guy!

Netherlands Banaan:
Nice guy no whiner, he is always on when u need him. Very good player!

Germany t0b:
One of the friendliest guys I ever played with, bit spammy though :P. Online nearly all the time, quite skilled. Well, only problem: his parents like to steal his pc sometimes ;). He's addicted to energy drinks. All in all great loss when he decided to leave FA.

Greece Dimi:
He spams, is a wannabe greek and has no life! 24/7 for him.

Overall, Loekino seems like a nice guy, a bit obsessed with his PC, but he sure is unique. I've had a great time talking about him with guys like his little brother and others... I hope you'll enjoy the read, good bye.