Before you start writing your first comment, don`t get the topic wrong! I will not talk about any changes in the system, mappool or the rules, I have just wrote up some things which would just help, but we need people who start with them, like it happend in the summer 2005, when the quakecon announced their games, the toFOUR cup was running and when we had the most ClanBase OpenCup signups and activity overall.

Part One: If u become pro!

Years past and ET is more alive then ever!

We are still in the best situation, we have about 30 clans calling themself high, about 500 players (or 5000?) calling themself med+. just beats up with 8 matches a day and now its on the clans and players to get the things we want and we need to have.

Be a part of it - Change yourself

When u read Crossfire carefully, you should have read the ultimate Waste of Time journal by TosspoT - the things he wrote up are just a small part I will talk about right now, and what is really fucking me up.

Any pro`s around?

The only professional team in ET, when it came to the most important time, was Finland Parodia. Their stability, without any changes in their roster just rocked the world, their activity was quite nice and noone was available to beat them.
By now, its getting confusing, but only some teams realy act professional and should search for ´pro-skill´ when they look for no whiners, no flamers and no kids.
I see teams as Estonia (as parodia, longer ofc!), Latvia Violence is Bad, Europe Team-ND and Germany Vicious and Evil as those teams, acting professional, not dropping out of a cup and being totally fair. Sure, their are some more out, so if I`ve forgot some - I`m sorry - but only those made their way to different EuroCups and proved their skill by staying together in the bad as in the good times (if you feel adressed, count your clan in).

This is skill!

Joining a clan like rewind, infensus or one4one forcing you to be able to do something, but nowadays, almost noone is available to hang around with skill and with the same guys for over 2 months.
There are no new skilled teams, being alive and kickin, to make themself pushing up their skill level with more teamplay, like Finland parodia had or Estonia have nowadays.
Hopefully, we will have an active season when the next EuroCup is running, not dropping out is just a prove of being professional.

This destroys the competitions!

Just one day ago, 3 teams proved their non-existing organisation skill by dropping out of a qualifier, where its comming to fight for money - not that less money for an online event.
When you want to prove your games to someone else, who is just looking at the stats, you will not have a chance to estaplish another season, by seeing yourself having dropouts on the day the matches should run.
When I talked with two of the recent dropouts, the result was:
- One of our member went on holiday
- We are just a new team, without any organisation

I mean, who is managing you? Do you have someone paid for this? Will you ever have someone paid? No - Cause its ET! And therefore, the most important thing if you want to be "High" is the best organisation, inside as as outside of the game.

Part Two: Change the fucking game!

How to make it fun again

Removing mortar and mobile mg was a hard step for some of you, but if you watch the recent matches, you should agree, its just right to do so, and to see less spam but more smg action and crossfire.

Its on you to improve it!

When you ever followed something like Counterstrike or any other game, like Call Of Duty, you will not see such a huge amount of new maps like we have in ET. When the first maps came into the game, the scene was seperated again and one said so - the other in a different way.
Now, we have a great pool and people are crying on selecting some of those maps.
Reactor, ET Ice, SW Goldrush TE, Oasis (old!), SupplyDepot2, Braundorf B4, Adlernest, Radar, Frostbite, SPDelivery and Battery (SW Fueldump has prove), its on the league admins to select their maps and to let the clans improve the tactics.

This is the ultimate luckermap!

When we talk about luck, we are talking about stupid clans - in my eyes. No map is realy lucky (Frostbite with 30/30 :)), its all about your tactics, and instead of just creating a new one, you whine about the stupid map, and that there is nothing possible.

Where is the world!

On the example of Adlernest, their are still thousand things possible, but noone does it. By standing around the document room, noone gets interactive and just plays something hard with his team - Maybe because it takes time to get it up, but everything new is welcome and will force other teams to think about it. You can easily defend the command post with 2 people destroying it every time again by safing one way and 3 defending the bridge while one is watching the back.
All in all, a stupid propose (maybe), but from the times of switching from the bridge to the document room is just goin realy fast and you will be able to save it.

Defend Defend - move move! v21 oO

Some people just whined some months ago "Where is the covert" - Well, you are able to involve him to every tactice, you just have to be creative and checking out new stuff.
Like Estonia and Finland parodia already proved - You are able to do everything you want with teamplay (and a lil bit skill).
As on Adlernest, you can easily start defending Braundorf agressiv. By checking the times, it is possible to defend the CP and to have an agressive front offense with 4 people. There is just noone here who`d like to do so and to test it, cause it is hard to communicate and hard to get up all the stuff - but everything is possible.

Move your defense

Every opponent is different, and if you are able to move your defense in different position, you will be able to fullhold easily by getting the timing and the teamplay up you need to do so.

QuakeCon 2006! Remember the words

Whenever United Kingdom TosspoT takes Counterstrike in his moulth, its just about the tactics, not the fast game, not the attractive gameplay - only the great tactics and teamplay - and thats what ET is, normally.
ET is, in a row with RTCW, the best tactical shooter, and everyone is just reducing it to recoil, knockback and aiming. No wallhack will help you when you don`t have the skill to handle it - Get your own wallhack by getting your team on the right way.


I just wanted to let you think about your tactics, hopefully without mortar and without mobilemg.