Me being bored I decided to talk to Croatia aCoZz about their recent move of multigaming clans, the team itself and ofc the upcoming Crossfire Prizefight LAN.

We all know you as high flying rifle nader Croatia aCoZz, but who exactly are you? Introduce yourself.

Hello everyone, I'm Tomislav " aCoZz " Nizic from Croatia, I'm 17 years 8 months 26 days, years old and playing ET for 3 years. This year in October I'm starting my first year of college, but I hope I'll have time to keep busy with ET. There's nothing much about me, I'm a simple guy who's hobbies are music ( electronica especially ) and basketball.

Northern Darkness isn't a small organisation but a pretty well known one within the European Gaming scene, such as CoD2. Tell us why you felt why you had to leave Northern Darkness.

Actually Northern Darkness is most famous for it's SOF2 team, which recently won their 3rd conclusive Eurocup SOF2 season, and they are the best team that ever played SOF2. However after these achievements they lost motivation, and fell into inactivity. CoD2 ( now known as TMPclan ) left ND a few months ago, in order to search for a new organization, since they wanted money support. Cs:s squad dropped out from Eurocup playoffs due to inactivity.
We found ourselves in a situation when we needed support for the Xfire Prizefight LAN, but ND wasn't able to give any support at that time, and then dMiZE came into picture.

Why dMiZe then? Why not any proven and established organisation that would have been able to support you?

dMiZE supported us with things needed for the upcoming LAN, and they are really motivated to build a new, successful organization. Under their support we received everything that we need at this time.

Seeing that they are a totally new organisation, what impressed you the most about them? What makes you believe that they will be able to grow such as others?

Yes, they are a new organisation, but we were familiar with 2 directors in charge, Netherlands reck and United Kingdom genui, who are both highly motivated and have the resources to make dMiZE a successful organization.

Tell us about Netherlands reck and United Kingdom gen-u-i, as both were in the management of Northern Darkness.

Netherlands reck was the guy responsible for getting us in Northern Darkness, and the only one who actually played RTCW/ET for some time. He was tracking our games in Eurocup XIII, and then accepted us as a part of ND. He was team manager of wh00ps back in the days, director for team 1up, team manager of ND.CoD2 and TEMPCLAN and now director of dMiZE. United Kingdom gen-u-i is an experienced manager who has done a lot of work for Northern Darkness and riZe, and surely he's a great addition for dMiZE.

Was it a case of Netherlands reck and United Kingdom gen-u-i leaving Northern Darkness and taking you with them or was it the other way around?

Netherlands Reck contacted us, and after some negotiations we accepted.

As you said earlier, dMiZE are supporting you to the Crossfire Prizefight LAN. In which ways did they support you?

They paid our entrance fee, and hotel in which we are staying during the event.

Being a new organisation, from where did the support come from?

Netherlands reck had some connections, I'm actually not sure what exactly, and therefore can't say more about it. I guess you will know in some time, after the next big announcement.

Onto the Crossfire Prizefight LAN. What do you feel is more important, winning the LAN or getting drunk with your team-mates and meeting the ET scene? :P

Ufff, that's a nasty one ! Since both things are important for us, especially at this time , I guess we'll try to stay clear minded, at least until all games are finished. Then the " real " LAN will start , we plan to rock civilization with d'n'b music all night long!

Which team do you "fear" most?

I would be a fool if I don't mention Estonia idle now. They are our biggest competition I guess, but the other teams also aren't to underestimate. With Idle, I think Netherlands Team-NL could be tricky to deal with.

I for one believe that the biggest challenge doesn't lie in the opponents for this LAN, but actually I believe that the biggest challenge is Saturday night. How many teams will be able to remain clean on a Saturday night, with all their online friends present, in Rotterdam?

I guess the endurance that players experienced will decide that. :D Good thing is that there aren't many " kiddie " clans attending this even, so I guess everyone will stay alive and kicking deep into the night, living for the night. :P

Your team's spirit is pretty high, and your clan are a bunch of jokers who all love a prank. Who do you think will be known after the LAN for pulling of the most pranks? France Emo, Croatia you, Slovenia jaka, Belgium david? Or will Estonia asd or Spain wing do something "memorable" and take this recognition away from the other 4?

Hmmmz, I don't know. :D asd is definitely a party person, uber funny guy not ashamed of anything. I think he'll be the one pulling something really stupid, but you never know until you meet the person.

Have any of you been "training" poker to be prepared for the poker game and take as much money away from Austria potter as possible? Or will none of you be participating in the poker games?

Haha, I think we'll leave that to Austria potter and the crew, F34R for money, and we plan to have fun somewhere else.

You're missing out on easy money :( They all suck at poker.


Since the last Eurocup, Netherlands kris and Sweden ferus have parted ways with you. And you have recruited Spain Winghaven the overrated Spanish lagger [<3 wing]. Do you think u can get him back to the form he was on when he was playing for wArning!?

Netherlands kris left to play at Quakecon, and Sweden ferus was a merc for our game vs Germany riZe, since Croatia gmx had major PC problems at that time. We recruited Spain Winghaven since we needed a 6th person for LAN, and he was available at that time. I think he will suck at LAN without the lag that " helps " him, but online he's an important player in the team.

Whats your view on laggers at LAN? Do they play better or worse? :P

I think they'll be worse, since you probably get used playing and being hard to hit, that can help a lot in some situations. Best of luck to Poland team-Delta ! :)

I disagree, being unhittable is just whine. People with lag perform better at LAN, take Estonia reload for example. He's an unhittable Estonian who plays with a ping of above 98 each time, he was arguably one of the best players at quakecon.

Comparing Quakecon to CPC is plain stupid. Only 3 decent teams were playing at Qcon, all from Europe. Reload is a player most famous for his aim, so I wasn't surprised seeing him performing nicely. For the unhittable part, we'll just have to wait and see I guess.

The next Clanbase season should be announced sometime in the next month. Who do you feel will surprise everyone and not only qualify but perform well at Eurocup?

For the next Clanbase season you can't really know at this time. But for the time being I think Poland dtekt will be a nice surprise.

Now some quick questions!
Tell me the first word that comes into your head for the following words.




Russia humM3L


Malta toxic
underrated and kewl

Any last words? Shoutouts?

Yeh, Thanks to all people who are supporting us as a team from our beggining, Thank you for this interview. Shoutout to Israel CrozZ ( he wanted me to mention him, attention whore... )

Haha ^^, Have a nice evening Croatia Tomislav " aCoZz " Nizic

ty Malta toxic " toxic " toxic

Related: News about new mgc dMiZE. - dMiZE temp site.