Perhaps you want to know about day 2 of the LAN, but really the story starts yesterday, or, more accurately, last night at Ronner's. It was a big get-together of about 20 players and the like, which served as a great introduction to each other and much downing of beer. More of that later!

The challenge was really getting to the place, something made all the more easy by the great legendary navigator, also known as Stuart "TosspoT" Saw, who promptly led his ensemble of intrepid explorers to completely the wrong metro station at 11pm in the middle of nowwhere. United Kingdom Fusen was assigned cheif of preventing everyone from being raped by the raving crowds who Toss clearly believed were ever closing in on us, allowing Capt'n Stu to call Ronner who thankfully was sober enough to come pick up us in his massive car - when I say massive I mean 4 person Seat Leon - and in the meantime Ireland crow was subjected to a full-on interrogation as to why he attented the iSeries lan event some time ago from TosspoT, who seems to be harbouring some sort of deep childhood hurt about the event. Ronner arrived, myself, fusen, nellie and crow squashed ourselves in the back to the point of oxygen deprevation, and we were off!

Entering the flat and the gaze of 20 professional drinkers,set on your to work out their next prey, which of course the only response to was exclaiming "Luger frag!" at the top of your voice, something which I'm sure Fusen won't be trying again anytime soon! Then the magical moment, the moment I'd come all this distance to have - sighting my eternal love Holz in his cage, no, chair, with his fluffy hair and cheeky grin looking up at you; it was better than sex... just don't ask Belgium Raza about that.

Also of interest was FlyingDJ's "dildo incident". DJ had to be directed to Ronner's house from the airport, and being the kind souls everyone are, decided on playing a harmless prank on the upbeat German shoutcaster. This essentially involved a dildo brought by England DocHoliday as a present for Ronner (he has his own sex shop business), which was covered in a convincing brown substance and being placed in the hands of Mavrick, a butch dutch policeman, who had only moments before had water poured over him to complete the frantic sex scene look. The bell went, and the door opened to cause one of the most horrific facial expressions ever known to the plight of man, all of course conveniently captured on camera. "So, er.." came a slightly waivering voice, "is this, er.., Ronner's house?". It might be important to note that we don't yet understand whether this uncertanty was from the worry of stumbling into a raging orgy by mistake, or realizing that this was something that he, the learned German, had not been invited to. Expect the vid to be posted soon. We love him really!..

So cue a night of drinking and toblerone, including spiking England Nellie's drink of beer with a tidal wave of vodka and spinning his empty stomach around past the point of no return. And no, we won't mention the Belgian beer incident. The time came to leave and we set of with the Idle team in taxis, assurred happily by FlyingDJ that they were getting off on the same road as us. This then of course ended up with the three of us (nellie, fusen) walking off on completely the wrong direction, on a road we didnt have a clue of the location of. Fusen had only had 2 beers so he was pretty fine, but nellie... well lets just say his idea of hailing a taxis is lying down in a road full of oncoming cars while totally drunk out of his mind at 3am.

Up bright and early for day 1 some 4 hours later we arrived back at TGS, and began preparing for the day's action. Of course we know you're not interested in that bit, which is why we're lumping the real action together in a super-duper article to come at the end of the weekend. Still more spoils to come surely!