...the tough get going. And if any one of these teams want to win they're going to have to raise their games to the next level. We have 6 games to play today, including the grand and consolation finals, which can mean only one thing: teams will be eliminated for good. Gone is the safety net of yesterday where a single loss would only result in relegation to the lower bracket, and in come to the pressure games where money is won and lost. That said, last night Belgium cZar were knocked out by their second loss, a shock 4-2 defeat at the hands of T&F / dHb, a game which send yelps of delight from the perhaps slightly shocked T&F players.

GAME ONE: Today's first game is another eliminator between riZe and Team Helix in the second lower bracket match of the tournament. riZe have reached this stage by way of a brave and tense match against Netherlands Team NL, including winning the first map, goldrush, by 10 seconds, before falling to the impressive displays of the NL teamwork on oasis and the decidermap radar. However they will have seen the potential, and even if Germany butchji is having to put up with a last-minute change to my mousepad, they will see helix as a weakened foe compared to NL. Helix on the other hand have yet to show their true ability, thanks to being out of depth in the opening game against dMIZE (who of course also beat hx), and their dark horse status can only serve to help them if they become underestimated, for we must surely remember that the largely ex-v&e and idle lineup are no strangers to the game and how to win. Dignity and pride is at stake here: no team wants to be one of the first to drop out, and the players are here to play, not let others take their place.

UPDATE to this game: helix look like they will take a win on the first map (goldrush).
UPDATE2 to this game: helix win 4-0.

riZe Ltd Germany vs Germany Team Helix
9.30am CET - ETTV

GAME TWO: Staying in the lower bracket now for the game which Europe TosspoT and Friends have been forced to record a win to play in it (T&F Europe 4-2 Belgium cZar), but surely even they cannot hope lightning strikes twice in their game against Europe dMIZE who were unlucky to be knocked down into the lower domain by Team NL last night, and now have a firm point to prove, having been labelled as "the second best clan in ET". Perhaps it is fair to say that dMIZE have suffered from the luck of the draw, but great teams - even Idle - need a fair degree of luck to keep them afloat. dMIZE will be hoping lady luck decides to smile on them today. For T&F the adventure continues at least for now, and whether they progress or their trip is curtailed early, they've triumphed in what the event is really about: having a good time. Their excitement at winning last night was a great moment, and we are pleased to have them with us as we are with every team here.

UPDATE to this game: T&F have just set a 5min 45sec time on attack, on oasis by walljumping.
UPDATE2 to this game: dMIZE beats the time by 10 seconds.

UPDATE3 to this game: dMIZE wins 4-0.

dMIZE Europe vs Europe TosspoT&Friends
9.30am CET - ETTV

GAME THREE: And now the flagship game! Estonia Idle are the irresistable force, tamed only by uQ in an incredible run of victories which has seen them land 2 Quakecon titles and EuroCup victories, and they show no signs of failing to adapt to this lan either. They eazed past the first round wildcard of T&F and then the sterner challenge of sFx to give them a place in round three with the extra life still intact, a luxury which only their opponents, Team NL, now how left out of the rest of the competition. All this is soon to end: for the winners, a guaranteed double attempt at the gold prize, for the losers a shunt into the lower bracket and last chance saloon: it clearly pays to do well. And thats what both teams are intending to do. Team NL refuse to be peturbed by the Idle name, and despite the calm mindgames of Idle players, they too will be only too aware of the threat NL pose. The game will of course make ETTV, and possibly the best game of the tournament.

Idle.ee Estonia vs Netherlands Team NL
9.30am CET - ETTV