Here are my photos from the lan, hopefully I didn't annoy too many people because I have it on good assurances that my flash was the most blinding of everyone's! Sorry about that...

So here we go:

[*] unblind laughs at the dutch metro
[*] levi loves his metro
[*] TosspoT breaks the first pc of the weekend
[*] The TGS centre
[*] nellie shows off his intelligence
[*] foonr`s ugly mug
[*] Ronner`s house, friday night
[*] maverick888 and frop (standing)
[*] Toss looks down Maverick`s top
[*] Holz`s amazing hair
[*] nellie, drunk
[*] christa looks bored
[*] potter guards the beer stash
[*] foonr doing not much in particular
[*] FlyingDJ being... FlyingDJ
[*] galahad, raza and potter get to know each other better
[*] the imfamous raza picture
[*] Frop, darky, ferus, holz (left to right)
[*] Holz finds loves comes in a Dutch hat
[*] nellie with fusen trying to act stoned
[*] dHb get set up
[*] Idle (Night, senji, teKoa) prepare to play Team-NL
[*] raza and `that` website
[*] sFx draw a croud
[*] dAv1d hijacks my BNC
[*] fusen and crow go gourmet
[*] JaKaZc being a poser
[*] butchji, giving a rare and priceless smile
[*] galahad`s idea, honest!
[*] sneaking a moment with butchji
[*] keran and pumu chill out
[*] Holz does his stuff
[*] TosspoT, as you love him
[*] taLa and foonr... er...
[*] Light and dAv1d mix between games
[*] lioco and mesqi like foonr`s jokes
[*] Adacore, taLa, Rhand
[*] then taLa took the picture..
[*] Dignitas.CoD2 enjoy the shoutcast
[*] Melkor and FlyingDJ infront of the Speedlink guys
[*] Legacy does his best `xD` impression
[*] ..then Lightning joins in the action
[*] FlyingDJ in not his best ever pose
[*] gifty, awwww
[*] Oh dear..
[*] CoD2 and Gotfrag`s Crow
[*] urtier hard in concentration
[*] Winghaven`s preferred image
[*] foonr and fusen

I'll be sure to bully taLa into giving Xfire3 clickable thumbnails.