Hi everyone ! I'm back and black at my pc after a long travel. Came home yesterday around 23h CET, had a shower, ate something, and sleept untill few hours ago. =)

This is dMiZE's story, with pictures included.

Friday :

After almost no sleep, I woke up around 6am, took a shower, ate something and started my travel towards Slovenia Slovenia, where I was suposed to pick up Quakecon 2005 whiner, EC OwnatoR and fatty boy Slovenia JaKaZc. Let me say, Slovenian roads SUCK. I puked after 2 hours driving on shit roads with alot of curves and bumby areas, feels like driving on some country road. Finaly at some shit town we met Jaka, and continued our way towards Italy Venice airport Marco Polo.

After we landed at Amsterdam, we met Spain Winghaven, who was waiting there for 6hours. We picked up our luggage and continued towards the exit where we met Belgium dAv1d, and Netherlands reck, our manager. Then we had to wait around 2hours for Sweden blaze, so we went to sit and relax at some bar at airport. We continued our trip to Rotterdam, with support from some nice d'n'b music in Belgium dAv1d's car, we almost had an accident at the airport, when some paki went crazy at the ramps and almost crashed in our hub.

We arrived at the hostel, and after some time decided to look for TGS building to see if someone was already there. It was around 19h and I think most people were at Ronner's house, since it was quite empty. We returned to hostel, and went to eat something, found some nice turkish restaurant with rly nice food, and ownage prices.

With our bellies full, we chilled abit at hostel, and went to TGS again to wait for Estonia asd, who was coming with Germany riZe guys. They were ofcourse lost at Rotterdam, and we finaly met them at some street around Savoy hotel, it was 1am. After that we were the ones who got lost, and went round and round in Rotterdam. We were walking for 2 hours for sure, and Belgium dAv1d used hes pro dutch skills to ask around for the way back. We got bananed alot, especialy from some guy with GPS, who sent us in totaly wrong direction to get rid off us. :X

We came back around 3 am, and just went to sleep, were really tired.


We woke up around 10am, had some shit breakfast and went to TGS, to meet people, spec around etc..
At the afternoon we mostly chilled around, had some drinks and speced around.
At the end of the day, we returned to the hostel and had a nice dinner with some duchie guys. After some time, we were drunk mostly,and Sweden blaze decided to smoke some weed Netherlands Legacy gave to him. It obviously affected strong to him, cuz he just crashed on the stairs, and we had to carry him back in the room. We placed him on a madrace in the middle of room. Spain Winghaven, and Croatia Me, stayed to take care off him while the others went out to some club with Netherlands kris, Netherlands rbnt] , Netherlands legacy, Belgium lioco, Belgium mesqi ( sorry if I forgot someone ! ).
We went to sleep around 4:30 am, and next game was at 9am vs T&F, GG! =)


After we barely woke up around 8am, we had some breakfast and went to TGS. Ofcourse as we have no luck, rain was falling really hard on us, we came weat there. The highest moment of the game was when Slovenia JakA watched at someone pc and stole hes position, and then owned him with a nade. :D
Anyway same as sunday we mostly chilled around and talked, I almost fell asleep while watching some COD2 game on the big screen. After all was over, we returned to hostel, had some beers and went to sleep, since we were really tired. Estonia asd already left before with Germany riZe guys, so the room didn't stink like before ;)) .


We had to wake up early cuz of Spain Winghaven's noob flight at 11:30. After we returned to Amsterdam, and make sure he boarded the plane, david jaka blaze and me went to have a last drink together, then david left and us 3 were waaaaaitinggggg for 3 hours... That's about IT! =)


JaKaZc unpacking
blaze in love
reck, our pro manager and driver <3
Winghaven !
Jaka at "no paparazzi mode "
aCoZz and blaze sitting
dAv1d wanking to Winghaven
Jaka stealing asd's sheets !
Gay Winghaven cheking Jaka's ass !
Asd preparing for bathroom ( it was really shit )


reload, mAx, twidi playing
LiciD and Lightning
MesQi !
BuLL from behind
M1lk playing
blaze, asd and Jaka's buts !
Blaze wasted :DDD
Blaze wasted and Wing above him
asd changing his eye lenses or something
Blaze at sunday morning :DDDDD
aCoZz watching blaze being concered
Blaze @ wtf mode
Jaka nude !!!!!!!
wake up jaki
aCoZz and blaze sleeping

Special thanks from me 2 :

Netherlands reck - for getting us money, driving us from amsterdam, supporting us in general, sorry we didn't won the LAN mate, next time ! <3
Netherlands LiciD - for being a really cool guy, and helping me to get a headset ! <3
Finland Tiigeri - Really nice guy, borrowed me hes headset when he didn't need it, thanks very much <3
Netherlands rbnt - For paying some drink, borrowing headset also :D <3
United Kingdom Adacore, for buying some of us beer !

Also everyone who took care about hardware/software at the LAN, nicely done mates.
This was a really nice event, I hope there will be more in future, maybe a bit closer to Croatia Croatia !

<3 all, good night


asd chilling, jaka trying to annoy him.
dAv1d and wing nude !!!!1111
david and wing again
asd packing
Legacy ( i think :D), kris and some dude ( sry xD )
rbnt @ happy mode
JaKaZc , Winghaven, dAv1d posing
asd and aCoZz !
asd and rbnt !

Sorry if some links not working !