It is the stuff of legend. A myth in its own right. However, the web's very own version of Duke Nukem Forever is, unlike it's mysterious counterpart, just around the corner, so we at [flag=0] Crossfire Towers thought it just about time to give you non-uber citizens image: xf3teaser2a taste of what's been happening these past few months, and what we have in store to come. Let's face it, its your website and therefore you deserve to be kept up-to-date with precedings. Ok, so I'm not being overly truthful. As I was saying to fusen the other day, if I had a quid/euro (whatever you people use) every time someone asked me when Xfire3 was being to be out, I'd be a rich man. Back to the task at hand though, and explaining whats happening.

The actual story of a successor to this, Crossfire 2, has been doing the rounds for a long, long time. The meaning of 3 has various different interperatations depending on who you listen to. Under our beloved Belgium raza[/url], version 3 meant bugfixes, a new search function, and generally the aforementioned donning his kitchen apron and dusting up all the cobwebs his website, coded at just 14, had left. What a lot of people wouldn't have realised were the problems under the surface, from crazy inefficient php queries to security holes, this old girl had them all. Credit where credits due, raza did do his utmost to correct the inperfections, but in fairness it was an almighty ask. Under him the site moved forward, but not in the massive leap we all predicted of Xfire 3. Things like the new king of the hill software were new but ultimately, it was the same website. Raza had exams to scrape through and women to discover, and so progress remained largely nonexistant. But how things were about to change...

When United Kingdom TosspoT[/url] bought the site in early 2006, the community bore site to a few raised eyebrows. Truth is at the time no-one barring Toss himself knew of the drive that the young iTG shoutcaster had for the site and making a third encarnation a reality. But dreams aside, priorities had to be given. The site was a mass of bugs and loopholes, and I'm sure everyone can remember back to the days of script kiddies exploiting the site and the freedom it granted. Once the loopholes had been plugged to a satisfying degree, it was time to attempt the unattempted: Crossfire version 3. Despite the great response we received back when United Kingdom nellie[/url] compiled his design submissions list, we decided to continue with hiring a private designer on a per-specification basis, and the true quest of 3 had begun!

[img|left][/img] The first stop the bandwagon stopped at was at station Denmark Arachon[/url], who produced a very different design, packing its minimalist blue self into only two columns and definately being different from this site. Yet at this early stage at lot had still to be fine-tuned, and we felt confident / foolish enough to let Wales Angrykid[/url] loose on Arachon's concept, with the result being a more rigid, feature packed page and one which it seemed for a while would be the final Xfire 3 design. Sadly I cannot show you this, as AK in a stroke of raw genius deleted all his images, and nobody else thought of making a backup. Nevertheless, all seemed to be going as planned and we had a fully working version online on our development site, everything hunky dory. Then however, that most common of phenomina occured: TosspoT changed his mind! As anyone who has worked with Toss will tell you, this generally tends to happen quite a lot. It affects some people quite badly, like for example whenever Toss yells, "Hey guys I have this GREAT idea", our beloved coder Belgium taLa[/url] seems to go unresponsive for about 5 minutes in a fit of paraletic nervous breakdown. Yet, for some reason or other, the search was on for a new design, and so we did what any other people would have done in our situation..., namely, passed the buck to AK.

Now Angrykid had big plans for this place. However, he told no-one of his penchant for history. image: akAnd so when he unveiled his efforts after many hours work, your beloved reported had something of a mini-heartattack. Now no disrespect to ak... after all, here is a guy who can shoot through bushes with perfect headshots (if you catch my drift), but I felt, like any self-respecting American, a duty bound honour to not let Crossfire become a Medieval Castle Community, powered by Fragland. And so it was Faroe Islands foonrs[/url] turn to take a bite out of the cherry. This young whippersnapper also had big plans for the place, finally producing a design that iTG caster United Kingdom ReDeYe described as "beautiful" and which we finally all agreed to go along with. From here on in, it was now a case of features, features, features, and for about a month now taLa has been devoting his man hours to producing what we believe to be one of the best bits of kit of the web. We've actually had a working version of xfire3 in final design (taLa's final mod), and so when we're asked, "when will it be ready?", you understand the reason giving an accurate ETA is such a dangerous task. You see, the site is ready. It could go live today. But we don't want to do that. We want to send out a product that is going to meet and stretch far beyond all expectations, and far from being hyped beyond proportion, the extra development time means we can deliver a truely remarkable product. We have countless side projects such as this early concept art for a box of which some make the final design and some, like that box, do not. We have an entire new gaming and competitions section which will allow Crossfire to get to and stay at the forefront of competitive hosted gaming for a considerable future, and many other features that remain a closely guarded secret and will do until release.

So when will it be out? We've always said soon, and that's justified as far as we are concerned. If we had said soon, when in reality we didn't even have a working version online, that'd be another story. However, Crossfire 3 is here, and whether its 3 days or 3 weeks, we can guarantee you that it's going to be worth the wait. Watch this space, there will be a big annoucement soon to come.