image: gameon

It's been one of them nights, at 18:26 GMT Adacore told us all that Clanbase and Warleagues are both switching to 5on5.
2 minutes later there was over 100 comments of people expressing their feelings about this news. Another minute had passed until #we-want-6o6 was created and managed to get easily over 200 idlers.
There has been journals, forum thread's, petitions and now 5on5 supporters are fighting back with a #5on5-is-a-good-decision IRC channel. Crossfire has been more active in this night than probably in the last couple of weeks.

I decided to go and get just a part of the community's respected members opinions...


Firstly, I gotta put it out there straight away. I have no affiliation to CB or WL, I do not work for them so I cannot say "Why" and I have to say, I am somewhat offended by those holding me responsible by anyone claiming this is my "fault".

Do I like it? Well I've gotta be extremely politically correct in how I articulate myself on this matter. As a player, I enjoy both 5on5 and 6on6, and I believe that the move made was good and I have no qualms about it and I hope that there are rewards to be reaped from it, including longevity for the scene. That's TosspoT the player, TosspoT the admin? Well thats a different matter. Crossfire is planning up coming tournaments, both KOTH, CPC2 and more. We are infact in a fortunate position of being able to see the success of CB's decision prior to making our own. At this moment in time, Crossfire has no active tournaments and thus has no need to make a decision.
I have stated and will repeat that we are open to 5on5, as we plan the event it certainly makes it easier to have 5on5 has an option. We didnt even give it a moments thought for CPC #1 and worked around it. Quakecon came and went, and public opinion became less rigid than it was when suggested a year ago, and the window was opened. CB & WL have now opened the window nice and wide, the question is will we go through it?
There are a couple of decisions to made here, ESL will have their say when their group stages are over and we'll watch that closely, and will see what they say after that we'll look at the decision. The biggest problem is splitting the community, we're a big community but we're not huge and if it gets split and ESL go with 6on6 and CB stays 5on5, then we've got a big problem I fear and this will be taken into consideration. If ESL move to 5on5, then every tournament has it and it really forces our hand. We are very keen to work with everyone, and will not be going it alone. We've had a great deal of support from staff at both CB & ESL and believe in inclusivity and so we'll work as hard as we can do work together and not cause a split.
I'm sat right on the fence here and will be on the fence for some time.


It's just bullshit why they wanna change ET? It was already good for me and others i think.
And yes it was great at Quakecon but that was something reallly different.
And this is on the internet so i dont see why they change it.. really just useless imo.
And always if i play 5on5. I have the feeling i miss something, it's like going to the McDonalds and then u dont got money.
And always if we got 5 players... we will find a merc and play
I played 5on5 like 4/5 times and i didnt really like it
And i just want to say: iwantmy6on6:<


Well, its a clear answer for me now. We just built our 6on6 team, so I really hope they are gonna change it, otherwise we are fucked. 6on6 > 5on5


I think it's good because it means more lans


I think its a bad move, since the majority of the ET community wants the game to stay as 6on6, plus after playing many 5on5's I feel the game play is much slower and tiresome :) ET has been 6on6 since the beginning and it should stay the same, I do not see why clanbase and war leagues want to fix something that really is not broken, makes no sense, and i hope they see the light :)


When Qlasics first recruited a ET team and they looked for a 6on6 everyone was like.. wtf 6on6. 6on6 is something which makes ET different than all other games, and I think we shouldn't drop this unique part of ET to make it more popular.
Because it wont be more popular in the eyes of the people who have been playing ET and RtCW for ages.


pm urtier :P


I don't really mind playing 5on5 or 6on6. Everyone is just whining, and that will stop in 1 week or even less. Most of those ppl didn't even try 5on5 and are just afraid what the future might bring, because they always played 6on6.
2 years ago or something, when they removed XP-system everyone whined as well, there were tons of channels like: #pro-xp, bring back xp etc. The crying was over after a week or something.


We should stay with the 6on6 format.
For me 5on5 just seems to be boring. I don't understand people who say 5on5 has more action. There are less players than in 6on6, that's one of the most obvious points against this.
Less players = Less action? I would say yes, i have never liked 3on3's because i thought it is boring and last days i have been playing some 3on3's again and it was still boring!
There isn't any action for me. I know that there are a few people who say that there is more action, but why? It isn't. More players = more actions = more duells = more kills etc etc.
5on5 is way more spammy. Yes, i have watched quakecon and there was a lot of spam, more than in normal 6on6 matches. Don't argue with the quakecon config now please, at least they allowed the weapons which were made for ET!
Clans will die because of the change into 5on5. Players will stop. How many new players can we get into ET with the change to 5on5? None.
I think a lot of people have had lots of more arguments for my point of view and i agree with all of them!


If you have a 6on6 stable 6-man lineup (so no backups etc), how will you tell one to spec from now on and continue with 5 main lineup players?
We played ET 6v6 for 3 years, why the change?


First of all, it's a good decision in my opinion because of three reasons: a) Possible ec lan finals for ET? b) The 5on5 is better suited for fast maps like adlernest and braundorf c) New tactics! And also, now without the spam weapons like mortar and mg it will be more aim based, but not as much as 3on3, i think 5on5 is the middle way between 6on6 "croudiness" and spam and 3on3's aim and well, aim!
I doubt that 5on5 in et will bring more lans (except ec lan finals hopefully) but it can be a nice start for etqw or rtcw2. Could bring more attention to multigaming clans like this.


Well in vib we really got our opinion splitted. Five guys wants stay 6on6, while 1 is favoring 5on5 :)
First of all we dont want this decision to break our team. We still want to play 6on6 together, it's no doubt.
Playing actively both formats (5on5 @ CB & 6on6 @ ESL atm) we mostly like 6on6 for rich gameplay and lot of action.
6on6 is more interesting to spectate as well.
But since RTCW 6on6 gameplay and revivial/ammo/objective system is unique for Wolfenstein game series. We wont like anyone to take it away, thanks.

tbh i dont want 15 people change game for 1500. Or it should be trusted people
I mean if we had something like representative system, where some people will represent community (and its interstes) and other people would represent leagues and xfire - they can simply vote for changes.
Now just some group of people decides for all others...
zomg, why?


Well I dont really mind if its 6on6 or 5on5...
But since 5v5 is closer to 3v3 I'd have no problem with playing 5v5. It just shouldnt be like: clanbase plays 5v5 and Esl plays 6v6, that will destroy the game because the community is splitted, everything 5v5 or just play on 6v6.
But lets wait some days, ESL said they'll announce they decision in 2-3 days...


Well, atm I support 5v5, because in my opinion it has less spam, a faster gameplay, and there is more individual skill needed. Besides that it's also harder for clans to create a succesful defence because you have one less guy to cover the same amount of entrances.


6v6 is pretty known for all and of course its a big change for ET and the reasons why are pretty unknown but Clanbase said they would make a big newspost for it soon.
Since 6v6 is known for all its hard to change and 6v6 was ok to play but maybe ET needed some changes but if this is the right one....And 5v5 its really different than 6v6.. maybe new (old) maps will be played (a map like TC_base) clans needs to make decisions now
How do they want to play... going for medics or do they keep rifle and 1 or 2 fops? Do they need 2 engineers for 5 mines so the rifle can shoot or without rifle and only smg engineer?
I'd like to give 5v5 a chance and its good that warleagues changed to and it too bad that ESL and maybe some cups won't change to 5v5. So i really hope the community won't split up that would be pretty bad for ET.


I'm impartial, i don't see the need for idiotic abuse being hurled left right and centre just because people agree or disagree with a matter. Personally I don't mind that much because I feel it won't hurt the game at all, however I don't want to involve myself too far - these things always lose pace after a while.


It's a move which deeply affects the whole ET community. Clans will have to drop one member, all tactics have to be reworked, configs need to be changed dramatically - just to get more LAN events while it is being ignored that it's not the roster size that prevents big tournaments from taking ET in. 5on5 is not something I will support or endorse.

As you can see from the comments made, there is support for both 5on5 and 6on6. Also some are willing to ignore the debate because they believe that in a week it will all be forgotten.

Well in my own opinion, 6on6 should stay. But who says my opinion is better than anyone who believes 5on5 should be the future for ET?

I don't think this debate will be settled anytime soon, but if Clanbase keep with their decision I think the 6on6 lovers will just have to deal with it or hope that ESL stay six versus six.
But then again, that could split the community up, right?

