The year 2003 was the year that ET saw the light and the noobs started playing on the random etmain servers planting the 30 mines on one spot to stop one engineer from building something.

But with RTCW slowly dying and ET becoming more competitive people started to realise that the settings on etmain were not the way to play. First the teams needed to be fixed and looking at the game RTCW made pretty clear that 6on6 was the way to go.

Now along time ET evolved competition wise to make ET less spammy, more appealing for public and trying to keep it alive.
To realise this goal changes were needed and the biggest one was probably the removal of XP.

Well you should have looked the flame that it brought along because XP should never be removed it was something that made ET different. But month’s later people were happy with it because it made ET more fair competitive wise.

But even with the removal of XP ET still didn’t go the way people wanted and that was to get ET on the same level as CS and getting money in it. After those months people again started to say ET would not make it but with the coming of ETTV and support from people that really liked ET, ET was getting more attention and slowly growing with the highlight for now the Xfire Lan 1 in Rotterdam.

And now the next thing has arrived, 5on5 that will try to give ET a boost the right way. The reason that 5on5 has been chosen is because of getting a bigger chance of getting ET in the spotlight on LAN's. The main games where the money is are all 5on5 so to give ET a chance to compete against them the change to 5on5 is needed.

You can say why would we adjust to CS or COD well what does a little game like ET with not much support from anyone have to say against the big boys that do play for money and got a game that is being played for many years already and if you think you can force 6on6 to the gaming world your name must be God.

The comment I heard alot in the news post of CB was the one of people never going to a LAN anyway because they would never be good enough, if you say that then you are not that competitive and you got not much to say in this. Teams that play for fun and I mean the ones from public that just made a clan or the ones in the lower regions really don't care if it's 6on6 or 5on5.

Further more people were always whining about ET is going to die etc, 5on5 can setup a whole new direction giving it more chance on getting it next to the games like CS or Cod, also you can build a nice foundation for RTCW2 if it ever gets released because you can whine whatever you want but no one but the few competitive ET players will hear it.

Long time ago they decided that 6on6 was the way to go but looking at the future and keeping this game appealing and make it even more interesting and bigger people should stop being nostalgic and go for the 5on5.


I do agree on the fact that this news should have been released sooner because most of the new teams that already have been formed.

And another thing I really disliked was the fact that ESL was abusing the emotions of the Xfire members by telling on the same night as that CB posts the message that ESL is going with the community and will keep on supporting 6on6. And they came to this conclusion by having a poll, well I guess they just wanted to support ET and I believe there was nothing of own interest involved.

Greetz from Lightning and only reply with a good argument.