Hey, hows it going, Care to introduce yourself?

Hi, I'm Nick 'Solz' Schurink of H2K Gaming, I'm the master of gaming.

Where does the biggest threat at netgamez lie for you?

Digitalmind of course, we have been benelux rivals since the beginning of cod2, we've a pretty similar skill level. I think the winner this time, will be decided by individual skill! Of course we are confident of taking the win, should we get to the final. We've already sent them home before on lan, at tek-9 and the Crossfire lan both on Carentan.
image: solz
What motivational issues does a rivalry bring to a team?

We're gain motivation by having a rival, also we pay close attention to their results and are always wanting to do better than them! When we're at lan, we always discuss that at least one of us should end up at the grand finals.

What did the stealing of Knaller mean to the rivalry?

We didn't take him just because he was in dM, but because he was a great player...You don't believe me do you?


Seriously, we thought he'd be a great addition to the team. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out the way we'd planned and it was best for both parties to split.

What does Doekoe bring to the team? I remember you saying you wouldn't bring another inactive player back

At that time I hadn't played with him much, but was confident he'd get back to his level. Having played more with him, he progressed really fast and hes a great guy too. Hes nice and relaxed, he helps to motivate us and more and more he shows off his old insane skills!

Does the fact that you have two RTCW players playing for you make you a better team?

Nope!...Well, of course it does because of their experience and they're great real life friends. But teamplay wise it helps because RTCW was so dependant on teamplay.

When are you gonna win an international tournament?

I hope TmGL or Playz2, preperation has stopped us before and luck! Dignitas has been so lucky in the past. When we've played them, its always been on our bad maps, like burgundy and matmata, for example if it was toujane, it would be a different result. But of course, you have to be good on every map to be the champion, something we will soon be. At the tek9 lan, we played speedlink on dawnville, but it was in overtime, arguably luck again. If we'd have won that, we'd be in the finals against Dignitas and we'd have picked Toujane and then we'd have had a real shot of winning the title.

There was alot of controversy surrounding the events that lead to Check6 going to Eurocup, Should you have been at Eurocup?

Yeah, I think so. I think H2K and digitalMind should have had a playoff for the place, because of the rosters. However, I'm taking nothing away from them they played fantastically! BUT, I could have played for them, I was the first choice according to crow, somehow this dosent get mentioned anywhere!

What are Dignitas doing so well at the moment?

They train really hard for the events their attending, they've great chemistry. Especially now Qwerty is gone, hes a nice guy but when he loses he whines alot and that brings down the team. I think that now they've got great balance, with a good shotgun(raz), a good sniper(trainee) and a great ingame leader (mick).
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Lets talk fashion...Who's hair is better, yours or trainees?

Mine of course!!! In Sweden I had my hair really long, and when I woke up it looked like I had a crow in my head, the guys still mock me for it.

Whats changed between this years netgamez and last years?

The setup is the same, but in the tournament there aren't as many good teams here, only one foreign team are here (n!faculty).

Where is CoD going at the moment?

I think it has a bright future, it still needs to be picked up by another big organisation however things are going great. Events like WonderBase, TmGLan and of course Eurocup have had great prizepots and we can look forward to more Crossfire Lans. But it still needs something like WSVG or CPL to really take it off.

Why is CoD2 more successful than CoD1?

Well its really fun for the spectators to watch!

You don't believe that do you?

Well thats what everyone says...I've no idea about that, I just like that game because its random.

Does random mean skillless?

Yeah! The health regen means you can clutch more, which makes it more fun.

What is your opinion on steam taking over cod?

On one side I think its bad, because of what steam is doing to CounterStrike. Because they don't update CS anymore, and CoD could go down the same direction, however...Activision isn't doing anything for CoD either, I dunno what they'll do for CoD. But I think its good, because if its on steam its gonna get more pub players and its gonna ge the same people looking at CS looking at CoD.

Will Speedlink come back?

No, I don't think so because...Well maybe i do, but not anywhere near as good as they were, just because of the team chemistry. But if they're not coming back as good, then they're not coming back? Great Answer!

Whats broken in Speedlink?

The team chemistry and the will to win is broken, but it will be back! And of course the over estimation of trigger.

The over estimation of Trigger?

Yeah, I think hes been praised to heaven. People download his demos thousands of times and people think hes the best player ever, and I'm not doubting hes a good player, but not the best. I think he has too much of an impact on his team, I think that if he plays good, the team plays great. But if he plays badly, like at Eurocup, the team plays badly. They rely too heavily on him.

Surely that makes him one of the best, if when he plays great he can win a match on his own?

Thats hard, well lately he has alot of bad day and it almost seems like hes lost his touch. And with the quality of speedlink, it makes them rely too much on Trigger.

If you were the speedlink leader would you kick Trigger?

Of course not, I didn't ever say he was bad, I'd simply change their playing style. Which is of course, easier to say than done, cause its so hard to change and adapt, especially when you're used to playing like this for such a long time. But eventually you need to change and adapt.

Thanks for your time and good luck this weekend! Do you have any shoutouts?

Shoutouts to, h2k and their sponsors at SteelSeries, Lipton Ice, Thermal Take and many more. Please visit us at H2K-Gaming.com