While the transition you will have seen from xfire 2 to xfire 3 was a swift one in terms of being one site one day and another the next, behind the scenes and as aluded to in a previous column, the site has gone through some pretty drastic changes of skin in the past few months. With the new site not live back in September, I was purposefully guarded and skimmed a lot of details in my Crossfire 3 column, but now the time is right to show you just what has happened to get us to where we are today.

Let us not forget where we have come from! Xfire 1 | Xfire 2

Our first attempts at finding a brand new design led us to Denmark Arachon's door.

image: des1_s

His radical 'blue' design certainly gave us progress, and for a while it seemed we would base the site around the basics of his. However, the design was eventually dropped largely due to the fact it didn't retain that xfire feel, something which we feel is very important and which we have tried hard to implement in the design you see right now.

The next 'big' makeover came courtesy of an angry boy from Wales.

image: medievalcastle_s

Wales AK's design formed the basis of what we have today, certainly in terms of structural layout and content. Credit has to be given to Angrykid especially when you consider that he was basing this design from scratch, unlike myself who only had to update AK's concept.

From a layout point of view I was happy, but not with the colourscheme. This is my go.

image: kothfix._s

Whilst trying to update the colour scheme I also became slightly overambitious, pouring in all sorts of features (such as the koth box - this was before Crossfight was even thought of!) which from a coding point-of-view would be impossible to implement. This design formed the keystone of the final design infront of you before the small changes took place to make it viable code-wise.

The site you see in front of you is definately taLa's final edit, but having seen just how many changes its been through, you have to appreicate just how much effort and devotion has gone in, not forgetting all the top user submissions sent in by you that for one reason or other didn't make it. It's been quite a journey :-)