'The times they are a-changing'. Bob Dylan wrote this in 1963, and today that is no less true. Some have argued that ET is at a turning point. At crossroads (and now dont picture you Britney Spears, but picture Homer Simpsons on an airplane reading The Economist ).But is this the case? And if so, where are we going? More importantly, where are you going?

Enemy Territory has not switched from 6on6 to 5on5, or at least, not yet. The almighty Clanbase used to have a monopoly (or close to it) on ladders and cups. They made the rules, and others would soon follow. Of course Clanbase changed the rules often in cooperation with others. Now however, Clanbase is not being followed. At least not immediately. Clanbase has changed to 5on5, and so far stands alone. ESL did not follow, and why should they? This is their chance to be the #1 ladder and perhaps cup system for ET. Warleagues did follow, but only because they thought everyone went that way. Now, they're back to 6on6 too. The smaller cups (such like ET-Cup) are also staying 6on6. If things workout for ESL, ET stays 6on6 and they turn out to be the big winners of this 'battle'.

But we aren't there yet. Infact there is a big chance that we áre moving to 5on5. Regardless of ESL, WL and others. CPC will most likely be 5on5 (to emphasize, I think it will be) PGA is 5on5, Quakecon was 5on5. The LAN events have chosen to pick the side of 5on5. So therefore, the top clans will go to 5on5 aswell. This will have several effects. New tactics will lead to new top-teams. People will see new chances. Now let's live under the presumption that a clan will be either 5on5 or 6on6. In that case, ESL is doomed to fail. Clanbase will turnout to be the big winner. Their Eurocup will continue to give us the best of the best of online Enemy Territory. Because do we really believe we can do both? Can you?

Where we are going is hard to say. GIGA has been broadcasting ESL, a big boost for ESL ET. Because who doesn't want to be on national TV? Of course this is at the moment all a bit german-german-german. ESL, GIGA and helix. But it sure is interesting. Making clans want to participate in ESL. But on the other hand, EC has started a new Nations Cup. A 5on5 NC, and we can expect pretty much all the same high skilled players as last year. Meaning they will get customed to 5on5, and perhaps be pushed to 5on5 and thus Clanbase.

Wether or not we will end up in 5on5 or 6on6. And wether or not the main player in the cups and ladder fields will be ESL or CB, one thing is for sure, you are the one who's going to make the chance. So pick now, and see what happens. And if you pick the wrong thing, you can always chance back. That goes for the players and for ESL and CB. The times they are a-changing.

mistakes in this column included :-), its late!