Last year, and especially the last few months, were very interesting for Enemy Territory.
A year ago, hardly anyone thought that what is happening today, would be at all possible. Including me.
When we looked at competitive ET there was not much to go by. We had Eurocup, an of course Warleagues,
And the highlight of the year was Quakecon, and that was it. That was the way it was, and the way it would be. But things have changed. Lately we've seen more and more LANs coming our way.
Interest for ET is growing. Is ET taking a leap? Is ET involving into something which could actually threaten CS as the #1 teamplay game?

For years Quakecon was the only LAN, or well, the only non 1-nation based LAN. It had a huge amount of prizemoney, and of course iTG was always there to cover it. Quakecon was all we got. And, basically all we needed. But things have changed now.
It all started with the Crossfire LAN being announced. Although TosspoT already had the idea for a LAN in November, planned to take place in January 2006, it was not untill June 2006 when he could really execute his plans. And Crossfire LAN was born. Suddenly ET had a new LAN with prize money, and you didn't even have to pay 500 bucks for a plane ticket to go there.
It was in the centre of the ET culture (ar close to it atleast). Almost anyone with a little dough could attend.

But that was not all, a few months before the Crossfire LAN took place, 22nd of June to be precise, Germany FlyingDJ announced they he would leave Inside the Game to join GIGA2, an english version of GIGA, except that GIGA2 is on the internet and not on the television.
Being the Enemy Territory freak that he is, he immediately started broadcasting ET on GIGA2 and GIGA. On GIGA this meant a few thousands viewers, besides the regular ETTV, and on GIGA2 it meant an extra couple of hundred viewers, next to the regular ETTV.

So ET was starting to get attention. We had seen two LANs, and regular broadcasting on GIGA/GIGA2. ET was being put on the international map. But this was not the end of the story. On October the 14th PGA Digital Arena was announced, and, for the first time in PGA's LAN history, two non-polish teams would be allowed to compete for the prize money aswell. Zeropoint and cdap - pi managed to qualify and went on to battle in Poland.
It was being broadcasted by HS via streaming, and it attracted a lot of visitors. So there you had ET, with european teams, on an event with other major games. Not an event held by the engine developers of the game, or held by a major ET geek, no, an event just like your regeular LAN.

On November the 5th Tosspot and co announced the second Crossfire LAN. Being the succes it was the first time, a second edition could not be held back. And just when we thought we had seen it all (Quakecon, Crossfire LAN, GIGA coverage and PGA LAN) TosspoT informs us that the 2nd edition of the Crossfire LAN is to be postponed due to another LAN that will also feature ET.

The LAN which caused Crossfire to postpone its own, is none other than the sHgopen, announced on 19th of December.
An interesting move, as a year before that sHg only had CS as the major teamgame (this could be incorrect). And now all of a sudden, they took in ET aswell.

So is ET on the verge of a change? Will ET take over CS at LANs? Can Enemy Territory replace Counter Strike as the #1 teamplay game?
In my eyes, it cán happen. Because ET ís the #1 Teamplay game. However, it wont. Big events such as the World Cyber Games, the World Series of Videogames, the ESWC and many many others, will still only focus on Counter Strike. But we are not to fear.
What we wanted, has mostly come true. ET is being seen by others, we are being featured on LANs, and suddenly there is money to be made in ET. Suddenly there is a whole competition world open. We went from having Quakecon, Eurocup and Warleagues to having Quakecon, Crossfire LAN, PGA Digital Arena, ESL IPS, Eurocup, Warleagues and now the sHgopen.

What the future will bring, no one knows, but LAN wise, the future has never looked so bright. ET is out there.
The future is bright, the future is Orange and Black!

Since the university library is closing atm, and wont open again till tuesday, admins please feel free to edit this article spelling, flags and banner wise. Ty.