Almost 48 hours ago, Fusen, the Crossfire admin, made the largest cheat bust in ET history, by infiltrating the netCoders website and getting admin access with his ninja hacker skills. Around 20 competitive ET players were busted, some of whom were playing in rather decent clans. I don't think there is much doubt in anyone's mind as to whether these people actually cheat or not, the evidence is quite undisputable. This bust mainly served as a confirmation to many people's niggling suspicions. My purpose for writing this column isn't to talk about cheating, as such, it's to question why there is so little consequence for people caught cheating, and why we don't have a zero tolerance policy.

People are constantly directed to the GamesTV forums to post about cheaters, or suspected cheaters, because it is there that, apparently, various league admins can easily see posts without having to sort through hundreds of posts on xfire, which is like finding a needle in a haystack at the best of times. Seems thoughtful, must be a well organised place where league admins actively review each case and ban those with sufficiet evidence. While planning this column I decided I'd better do a little research, so that I'm not (completely) talking out of my arse, so I decided to visit the GamesTV website in search of these elusive forums, since I didn't have a link to them offhand. My motivation was high, I was going to research the topic and educate myself on the matter before randomly writing a column, but I fell before the first hurdle. I couldn't for the life of me find a link to these forums anywhere on the GamesTV website. I thought to myself that I must be going blind, so I had a second look, and still, I couldn't find any link. I even asked TosspoT for a little help in finding this mysterious forum and he was out of ideas too. He managed to locate them via a Google search, meanwhile I had already asked swine about it, and in a possible attempt at humour he said "top s3cr3t". So I suppose my initial point is rather simple: the forum we're supposed to post in when we want to report a cheater shouldn't be so fucking hard to find.

Upon reaching the promised land of the GamesTV forums, I discovered a rather active forum, despite it's few contributors. There are (almost) daily reports of cheaters, the evidence in each varying. I had a quick scan through the topic names and one jumped out at me, "scooT" I read, now where have I heard that name before. Oh wait, he was one of the bastards who was caught cheating in Fusen's cheater bust. So hold on a second, this "scooT" guy was already at least suspected of cheating, the date of the forum topic being Tuesday, the 12th of December, almost a whole month ago. Why has nothing been done about this asshole? In fact, what about the rest of the guys in these topics, why is nobody actively reviewing these cases? As I previously mentioned, there are almost daily reports of cheaters, a fraction of which are actually dealt with it seems. Obviously you can't just ban someone based on one post on the GamesTV forums, with maybe only a screenshot as evidence, but perhaps this is where the introduction of some sort of probationary period could work. For example, if there wasn't enough evidence to actually ban someone, but there was at least enough that the person in question couldn't be let off the hook without hefty suspicion, then said person had to provide demos of a certain amount of games, for closer scrutiny. This would be an inconvenience I would be willing to live with if it meant that it helped in any way with the war on cheaters.

The main point of this column, however, is that there is simply not enough consequence for a convicted cheater. To the best of my knowledge, the only person who has been banned recently, for cheating, is Allu, and the only punishment he is serving, as far as I know, is a ban from ClanBase, nothing more. I'm tempted to say something bad about ClanBase, such as "fucking ClanBase, <insert rant>", but in truth, it's not just ClanBase who are guilty, it's all the major leagues, even the small ones too, even Crossfire are guilty of being too casual on the issue of cheating, anyone who can do something about this is reponsible. There needs to be a community effort to get rid of these cheaters, not just ban them from ClanBase and that's it, done and dusted. Convicted cheaters should be totally outcast from the community, in any way, shape or form that is available to us. Several of the cheaters who were caught in the recent bust still post actively on Crossfire, and still idle in the Crossfire IRC channel, why is this tolerated? Why were they not instantaneously banned? Leon told me that he played in a 3on3 cup yesterday and one of the teams he came up against featured none other than convicted cheaters Qyz and mize, why is this tolerated? Why is a ClanBase ban the only consequence a cheater can anticipate? There should be zero tolerance towards cheating, no matter if it was a different game, if it was only on a public, if they were just testing it, if it was a roommate or any other random excuse. There should be a lifetime ban for anyone who even tried a cheat, they should be banned from everything, they should be named and shamed and people should avoid playing against them, even in practices. It is then that these dregs of society may think twice before deciding to download a hack. Not that I want to give evan more attention, which is what he wants, but I find it to be too good and example to ignore. He's clanless, if rumours are to be believed, he's looking at a 6 month ban, roughly, meanwhile, he's still actively taking part in the community, chatting in IRC, posting on xfire - as though nothing even happened. Do you really think he gives a flying fuck about his ban? He needs to be hit where it hurts, banned from everything, permanently. Just think about it, an evan-free xfire, he'll be calling a suicide hotline within hours. However, while I do intensely dislike the bastard, this isn't all about him, the same should apply to anyone who has cheated. There needs to be a lot more consequence than a ClanBase ban, and I fail to say how anyone can argue that seriously.

This all relies on ClanBase pulling their finger out of their arse though, as I find it totally unsatisfactory that they try to show they care by banning one guy (eg. Allu) and ignore the countless others. The only explanation I've seen is that there is a new awesome anti-cheat system coming soon, which will solve all our problems, and male pattern baldness! We seem to have been waiting for this new system for an internity, why can't the old one be used until the new one is introduced? Before I continue my ClanBase rant, I suppose I should remind myself once again that it's not just ClanBase who are guilty, it's everyone who can do anything about this. There should be some kind of board which actively reviews each serious case on the phantom GamesTV forums.

I've already made many of these points in comments today, and some of the counter-points were outlining the easyness in circumventing some of these bans. Before someone replies, echoing that, I'll address that point now. Whether these bans are easy to circumvent or not, is not the issue at all. For example, evading an IRC ban is quite easy, but it's the fact that we're showing contempt towards the cheater that counts. He or she must be excluded from the community as much as possible, to show that we do not tolerate cheating at all, not just on ClanBase, but anywhere within our community.

We seriously need to clamp down on cheaters and stop being so relaxed about it, questions need to be asked as to why nothing is being done about cheaters, in all the chaos surrounding Fusen's cheat bust, one rather unfortunate fact remains, that not one of those cheaters has suffered any form of punishment yet.