Now that the whole cheating ordeal is dying down, at least in regards to the number of people being caught, its time to reflect upon what the next step is to take. While we still await Clanbase's actions on the whole situation, I put forward a question for you.

Can you ever trust a cheater? Once a cheater, always a cheater?

Now it was understandable in most cases some of the pure hatred amongst the community against the revealed cheaters. As up until recently and still for the majority of the players the game was competitively played online only, and for someone like Ireland h3 who has been caught now twice, and among one of the main England Fusen targets there really can be no forgiveness. But as the tide of change engulfs competitive Enemy Territory, could the long held belief of once a cheater always a cheater be broken too ? I put forward some cases to warrant discussion.

1:) The Past

Regardless of how you feel about England Hype / Kamz the fact remains, he was busted by Crossfire's very own Anonymous TosspoT in RTCW, but as yet, after 2 years of competitive Enemy Territory in which his current clan Europe #ovs-gaming nearly reached the pinnacle of Eurocup this season, and with there new lineup look in good stead to play in it next season, has yet to be busted. Now forgiveness is hard to come by in real life and even harder in the online arena, but the fact remains he is not a cheater anymore.

2:)The Present

The 2nd and more compelling case is that of Netherlands mize who participated in the Netherlands triumph over Finland Finland and Germany Germany in Nations Cup to lead them to Nations Cup IX glory, and was actively part of the Angeldust side which took in last seasons Open Cup Premier and even more recently playing with Europe mQ and Europe cdap pi sides. Now I personally believe, and most likely the majority of people who played with/against him would believe that he hadn't hacked before the 3v3 incident.

Now Enemy Territory has evolved to the point where players like mize, and those in the same boat (who are under a high amount of suspicion or have been caught), more LAN's can gift these players that 2nd chance which maybe they deserve, if a team will take the chance on them.

“h3 was busted cheating a while ago, but apparently that was a one time thing. I foolishly enough defended him” -TosspoT

If even the most venerable characters of ET such as Tosspot, can get it wrong, maybe the cheaters themselves, having seen the consequences admit they made a mistake, serve there bans and become legit once again. Can the likes of mize, Perfo, Nuggan, Unix, Razz, Wizzel, joonas,Torpso, danone, squall, foSt, vegi, and mAus become the pinnacle of new generation of players who compete both online and offline? I sure hope so, and given the relatively close locations of LAN events (Denmark ShG Open and Netherlands CPC2), if they are given the opportunity to do so, completely and undoubtedly clear there names once and for all! So noting what has been said and done, can you forgive a cheater who is willing to play on LAN to prove his worth ?

Edit: Another interesting point which ive come across, given the relative slowness of which clanbase works at, would it not make sense to make sure it first and foremost ensures that its own matches are governed correctly/appropiately. Why does Clanbase have any say and the right to bad people whom cheat on a public server or do so in scrims which have nothing to do with clanbase, intriguing that the community somehow embraces this monopoly over our game.

[Players mentioned are subjective]