Friday the biggest danish ET LAN event blasts off with the biggest prize pool ever seen in European Enemy Territory. It is however a bit unfortune that this event takes place in 2007, where the Danish ET community is at an all time lowest; so what has the Danish community have to offer of teams for this event?

To answer this question I am first going to go through at bit of history of the Danish ET community. It all starts back when ET was released in 2003 a strong clan from RTCW (Castlestein) formed an ET team that would dominate the scene for half a year; the clan was called Denmark uNtried. This team surprised a lot of people by beating Germany HFD/jK in the quaterfinal, however they folded just before the semifinal against Finland gunslingers.
During the fall of 2003 different teams poped up, teams such as Denmark unverwundbare Mannschafft, Denmark clanALIS and Denmark deLicta. These teams would after the fall of the mighty uNtried squad become the teams that would dominate the Danish scene. At some point there was a split in the uM squad which made half the team into what was to become the Denmark Kapow! ET team.

The year 2004 would prove to be the most interesting and active year of Enemy Territory in Denmark, with the three clans Kapow, ALIS and deL fighting over who was the best. During the fall of 2004 Kapow! was given a qualifer match for the EuroCup, unfortunately they lost it to Slovenia insAne. The fall also saw the announcement of the LAN Fatal Error wanting to host an Enemy Territory competiton, later on the LAN went bankrupt and no LAN was made. Another promising LAN event was also announced, the Danish eSport site was going to host an ET and DoD LAN in 2005; however due to a law suit between the site and their webhost (which also hosted the event), this also did not become a reality.

In the end of the year, the two clans Kapow! And ALIS both lost their first matches in the OC premier playoffs, against Poland poison and Finland parodia, however both teams had already decided to stop playing; which left deL back as the dominating clan in Denmark. An opponent to the throne was however the new team called Denmark european elite, they managed to take the second place in the thrid division of OC, only beaten by Negative Image. Another new clan was also starting to get attention; Denmark Wolfenstein Special Forces.
January 2005 marked an event that would send Danish ET into a long and dark periode, a periode which is still here; the event was the release of the damned game Anonymous World of Warcraft. It not only left the danish ET community, but also a lot of other smaller communites to waste, since Denmark is what I call a Counter Strike country.

During the spring and summer of 2006 an almost purely Danish clan, Skandinavia Sleeperz, made some impressive results, the biggest being a bronze medal in OC second division.

Enough with the history leasons, let us have a look at the danish competitors at shgOpen:

Greenland Ludvig
Denmark bLAZ3R
Denmark suA
Denmark Pading
Denmark oBs
Denmark Flex
At the end of the summer of 2006 the old clan Kapow! came back from WoW, to play some 3on3 and 5on5. The new team consists of some old Kapow! Players and some newly added players. The old players are Ludvig, Pading, oBs and Flex (most of them go back to the old unverwundbare Mannschafft team). Newcomers to the team is bLAZ3R, who started out in WSF, and suA who was a member of european elite.

Denmark none
Denmark bamZe
Denmark Squash
Denmark goscinny
Denmark Fryzer
Denmark fisken
Netherlands imi
This team hasn't got a long history, it is however made of players who was in the Sleeperz squad and three other players (bamZe, Fryzer and imi). The two players Squash and goscinny are both old players of european elite, I do however not remember any other players former clans :(
I do not think you will see this team being embarresed like some of the Qcon teams were this summer; this is not a team filled with Evil_tweety clones :)
Denmark Deslock
Denmark Rastlink
Denmark Sizo
Denmark Spektr
Denmark Huhannes
Denmark Dengse
A very late entry to the competition is the team, which hasn't been together for a long time. The team consists of a mix of players from the old danish clan Missing in Action (Deslock and Sizo) and WSF players (Rastlink, Spekt, Huhannes and Dengse). The team has been put together for the reason of having fun, which in my opinion, is what ET is all about; now there might be some people saying: "ohh but it's about fame and fortune!", but no... when you get older, it's about the fun :) I have the highest respect for these guys entering a tournament, where they will most likely get their asses kick (no offence intended).

So what would have happened if this event would have been in 2004, well most likely it would have been won by dignitas; I do however think that there would have been a lot more Danish teams playing in the tournament. Finally I would like to point out, that there arethe two other Danish players, gyzr representing defining stars and Chapter representing Guys in Black.