While games like Counter-Strike, WarCraft 3 and Quake are teams multigaming clans love to have, a game like Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory never kicked of as professional esports game. Even the father of Wolfenstein ET, Return to Castle Wolfenstein was played by some top organisations such as the 4Kings, so why doesn't W:ET work for them?

One of the reasons ET is not that interesting for multigaming clans is in my opinion that European teams own the scene, there are many disadvantages to a team with players from all over Europe for several reasons...
1. The team can't often bootcamp together
2. Traveling to LAN will be more expensive (lack of group discounts)
3. The team will only visit large events and no local events

To get an example of what I'm meaning, look at the last EuroCup season...
1. Europe Dignitas
2. Europe zeroPoint
3. Europe aMenti
4. Poland Netrunners
5-6. Finland Murso, Europe cdap.pi
7-8. Europe Rewind, Germany helix
5/8 teams last EuroCup playoffs had a European lineup, and the top 3 consists of clans with a European lineup..

I am not saying a team like idle should kick their 3 non Estonian players and take 3 Estonian players resulting in a weaker lineup, I just hope sometime in the future the top players from countries will gather and form strong teams worthy of EC titles.

The second reason ET is not interesting for these large multigaming organisations is because this game is largely based in Europe, and the scenes in countries such as the USA are weak. In many games this is different, teams like Made in Brazil are strong competors in the Counter-Strike scene, but I don't know any good player from Brazil who plays Enemy Territory. For a game to be succesfull I think it should be played globaly.
Yet the largest LAN event for Enemy Territory, Quakecon, is located in the USA. A LAN where any proper European ET team can cut trough all the USA competors.. Have the USA given up on ET?

Anyway the third point why ET is not really interesting is the lack of LAN events, and the size of the ones there are. While for a lot of us the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge looks like a large event, an event where every ET team would like to participate in.. multigaming organisations look at it differently. For them, the CPC2 is an "okay" event, reasonable ammount of prizemoney, pretty good organisation etc. But can it be compared to the SHG Open CS competition for example? 127 Counter-Strike teams, 10 ET teams, € 48 715 to earn playing Counter-Strike, € 5 069 for Enemy Territory, with 12,7x more clans Counter-Strike got 9,61x as much prizemoney, so ET kinda got more than they deserved. Why weren't there more teams? Lack of top teams like aMenti, Netrunners, one4one really makes this game look weak.

Are there any solutions? I think ET teams should dare to ask, a team like negative image could make a big chance of joining a multigaming like insignia cadre for example, cadre has always been interested in WW2 shooters like CoD2, DOD:S etc.

Good national based multigaming organisations which might be interested in an ET team if you can present yourself in a professional way:
Finland Team Logitech.fi
Finland Insignia Cadre
Netherlands Serious Gaming
United Kingdom Reason
Poland Team Wilda
Italy cubesports
Italy Team Impact.TCI
Germany evoplay
Germany blank
Czech Republic eSuba
France Team webOne
How to approach an organisation like this? Pming on IRC is irritating, so when you do PM make sure you sound professionaly and have a good story. Make sure you have a list of awards, upcoming tournaments and LANs ready. The best would be to have this in a powerpoint presentation as well. Treat a team application for a multigaming clan as if it was a job application. Instead of pm'ing on IRC I would send an email, and in case of no response within 24 hours send them a PM on IRC.