As Crossfire hosts the W:ET and CoD mapping contest there is a real boom for the competitive mapping (in ET at least). Organizations like are founded, which I really appreciate and also love to work with as a mapper. But the point I want to write about is one of the things ET was always faithful to: its mappool. Of course maps come and go and changes are made e.g Adlernest in and out or just look at Battery and Oasis coming and going from time to time.

You may have noticed that folks are in fear that ET isn’t attractive anymore and that ClanBase ET is clutching at straws.

But what is all this about?

If we do a short review back into the year 2006 we can read lots of articles and columns about how making our beloved game more popular and interesting for the world. So what happened is a real hype of Online and Offline Events including ESL IPS, Crossfire Lan I, Quakecon, SHG Open...

In this really short period of time ET had more LAN Events and also prizemony than ever before. I don’t want to get into the detail of this because my topic is something very different so don’t get too diverted when ET’s competitive expansion gets a short setback (we can do it together and stuff ;>).

While the topic of this column is about Maps. Back on topic.

We have several new and also really nice looking competition maps in result of the Crossfire mapping contest. But in my opinion we have to watch out not to overrate this development. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m a mapper aswell and every mapper wants his map to be played, but i'm also a gamer and if we put good old and really even maps like Supplydepot out of the mappool we have to make sure we have a good alternative (even if I’m one of the guys who hates to play SD in every war we still better stay at the maps we have than put in something worse).

As maps are the bread and butter of every game they also have a big effect on the way non ET playing people get their impressions towards the game. And as most of us want ET to become even bigger and more established in the world of the electronic sports we have to respect this point.

So to get away from the basics here is what we have at the moment: Bremen_b1, Sub_base, Vio Grail, Field HQ , Odenthal_b2 & Wolken1.

Nobody can really say if any of these maps would do a good job in the map pool of an OpenCup or ladder or even in a 1day cup - because of the way a map evolves when played and the changes with the experience teams gain on it. As ClanBase have just announced they’ve added Wolken1 and Supplydepot to their 3on3 map pool for the upcoming OpenCup which is from my point a really good decision. Wolken1 has potential for competitive 3on3 gaming, because it’s small but still in some parts divided map with an average time of 5minutes.

But while 3on3 is just a fun competition for most ET players – there’s still two tba’s to be filled in the 6v6 OpenCup map list. There is still a decision to be made which will have far reaching consequences (if good or bad will be seen in the future). Every new map has its weaknesses e.g. too spammy, bad fps or just not being liked by some but whats about the “official” maps?

There will never be a map that everybody likes and that guarantees a thrilling match with one of tosspots emotional explosions and pure action so to get to an end for today here’s my conclusion.

On the one hand try to respect the work mappers put into their projects, even if the result isn’t the best (in your opinion), but on the other hand and especially addressing the people who decide which maps are played or who organizes cups for new maps think about what we have at the moment and what the new maps can offer in contrast to the old maps and which effect those possibly changes can have to the future of Enemy Territory.