Over the past few days there has been some controversy in the ET community as to Clanbase's decision regarding the map pool for the upcoming Opencup and Eurocup. The most recognized one being the move to exclude supplydepot from the map pool.

At the moment, the community seems to be divided into several groups all with different opinions.

1) Those in favour of clanbase's decision - Commonly backed up by stating that it is time for innovation, ET is in need of a change and new maps such as karsiah and bremen (and the comeback of battery) are the way forward.

2) Those against clanbase's decision - Supply is and always will be the heart of ET, it has provided some of the best games to watch and has been a joy to play, so why the reason to change things?

3) Those who mediate between both groups, that being they too feel that it is time to move on from supply, however the new maps chosen are not quite "ready" to be played at competitive level .. yet.

It seems to me that most of the people float around group 2 and as the people in group 3 would want to see supply in the Opencup and Eurocup aswell this year, I decided to create #we-want-supply and ask clans to support the cause to welcome supplydepot back into the map pool.

Furthermore, I have decided to create a poll to gather the opinions of all concerned individuals. You can cast your vote from http://turbomatik.i-prague.com/Hype/supply.htm at http://www.yourfreepoll.com/cqezqtvhsp.html (this is not an official poll).

Have a nice day :-)

United Kingdom hYpe