18:09, Sunday TLR are your CPC ET Champions, awards ceremony soonish

17:11, Sunday teams are on server and setting up, casters also preparing the cinema


15:39, Sunday Dignitas are out ! Impact progress to face TLR in the Grand Final

14:35, Sunday TLR are crowned ET Masters Champions

13:08, Sunday TLR and Impact get underway in the ET Masters Grand Final, Impact take map 1

13:05, Sunday a Winghaven 4 man airstrike sends Dignitas into the losers bracket in a great match

12:48, Sunday TLR set a fast time of 8:21 on sw_goldrush which Dignitas destroy in little over 5 minutes. Radar to be the decider.

12:31, Sunday Speedlink crash out of the CoD tournament to giant killers eSuba - score tba

12:18, Sunday TLR become the first team in over a year to take a map from Dignitas in a competitive 6on6, winning Bremen.

10:00, Sunday the ET Masters Grand Final has been delayed 30 minutes due to TLR being in the CPC WB Final. This is now scheduled to be played at 12:30. TosspoT is now live on stream casting eSuba vs Speedlink

09:57, Sunday Speedlink are currently playing eSuba on mp_toujane

09:54, Sunday ReDeYe updates the gallery with pictures from impact vs one.soldier

09:50, Sunday Impact take the win on Bremen allowing them to progress in the losers bracket.

09,35, Sunday Impact complete their win on Supply setting an impresive time of 6:18 - Bremen is selected as the decider to much excitement from Licid.

10:26, Sunday Impact look strong on every stage of supply holding one.soldier for 14:43

10:09, Sunday - one.soldier took with well over a minute remaining. The second map is Supply due to start soonish. Not sure if ETTV is live as our Germans are still tucked up in bed, will aim to keep this log updated today as it's a less hectic schedule.

10:07, Sunday one.soldier and impact are currently playing on Radar, round 2 map 1.

09:30, Sunday This log is a fantastic idea, shame we didnt keep it updated! Anyway, CoD2 is setting up right now there are some really great fixtures. ET is going to be going through the loser bracket matches aswell this morning. Everyone is setting up, so far no major problems!

10:00, Satuday The CoD is underway, but the RTCW has decided to give out 50 HP medpacks! Delays pending

07:30, Saturday Someone decided it would be a nice idea to block the admin cabin with a bench and a bike so TosspoT had to make a call to Potter to come rescue us. After his night out, I doubt he appriciated it!

01:23, Saturday - The first day of CPC2 officially over, had some interesting games and one or two upsets, in ET (lots more in CoD, I hear). RtCW is also finally installed on all the machines for tomorrow's tournament, which incidentally gives me (Adacore) the morning off. Time to party! Until tomorrow lunchtime, CPC2...

01:00, Saturday - vae take the Group B Playoff on Supply in the final match of the night. Adacore looks knackered.

21:59, Friday - Zerobarrier pull off the first shock in ET by beating zP 4 0 - react as if they'd won the WC.

18:49, Friday - Logitech pull off the second big shock of the day and beat Dignitas 13:11 throwing the tournament wide open.

17:35, Friday - the video coverage finally began, only a little behind schedule as tek9 take on copenhagen esports

14:37, Friday - eSuba just pulled off a shock result and beat pre-tourmanent favourites serious gaming. Photos of the post-match reaction can be found in the gallery

13:11, Friday - ReDeYe has uploaded yet more photos, head to the gallery

13:00, Friday - note from Cash, the video stream and ETTV will be up and working from 14:00. Hopefully ETTV beforehand.

12:17 Friday - Dignitas complete their 4 0 win over k1ck.

12:08, Friday - TLR full hold and then go onto set a time of 8:43 on sw_goldrush_te. The second map is Supply.

11:50. Friday - dignitas set a time of 6:57 on Radar which k1ck fail to beat, unable to take the cp.

11:35, Friday - TLR vs. vae will begin within 5 minutes. The first map is sw_goldrush_te and we've approximately a 30 minute delay. arni has finally got the laptop to be used for ETTV and is currently setting it up - so we should have ETTV for the next round of matches.

11:34, Friday - We've currently 12 players on the server for k1ck vs dignitas and we've just started, though unfortunatly still no ETTV. r3vers has been having 'technical' problems after kicking his keyboard around. The first map is Radar

11:22, Friday - ReDeYe has uploaded his pictures from this morning, check out the gallery.

9:35, Friday - due to the usual teething technical problems zP and vigorz have missed their delayed 9:30 start time. We should hopefully be underway by 9:45. ReDeYe is out with a high quality camera taking snaps for the gallery.

11:08, Friday - zeroPoint have brushed off vigorz on Frostbite and Bremen_b1, only a demo of Bremen was recorded which will be uploaded after dignitas vs. k1ck.

10:00, Friday - finally arni, skooli, levz and the WZZRD technical guy are all together now working on ETTV.

09:15, Friday - zeroPoint and vigorZ are both here, almost on time, which is about the same as the admins managed. Looks like ETTV is unlikely for this initial game, but I hope we'll have it up for most of the games today. Adacore

23:58, Thursday - The center is beginning to quieten down and I'm finally off to get some much needed sleep before the 8am (to start play at 9) start tomorrow. Ha ha - like I'll get any sleep when my accomodation is 1 of 7 log cabins filled with partying gamers. Adacore

22:14, Thursday - Tosspot FINALLY arrives at his own event, a magnificent 30 hours after he originally planned, and about 4 hours later than his most recent estimates. The only problems left are the niggling sound setup problems (see Adacore's journal). Cash

20:44, Thursday - Everything is A-ok and good to go. All the machines and servers (running on Levz's uber laptop) are up except one, which will be swapped out tonight, and at least half the teams have stopped by already. Looks like everything is actually going to plan, for the first time, like, ever. The venue is awesome, as a note, love the Grolsch on tap! Adacore

17:15, Thursday - All but twelve PCs are fully set up (we hope!) and everything looks pro. As Herbal was saying earlier, stable 125 FPS on both ET and CoD2 seems definite. The only potential problem is a lack of PS2 extension cords for ET, so I hope at least some people in each team have USB keyboards or I'm going to be climbing around the furniture tomorrow! Adacore

Anyways' I and others will aim to update this feed as much as possible throughout the event.

Hello and Welcome to CPC2. The fun filled alcohol fueled LAN extravaganza. I join you live from the lovely Enschede. If I was a religious man, I would say Jesus has smiled down upon this remarkably flat country and granted it stupendous weather. The amazing people at WZZRD Gaming are doing a job hosting a brilliant event. Every thing on schedule, and a steady stream of players and teams are arriving. This place reminds me alot of a snooker hall, there's a real atmosphere, you can really imagine it creating the kind of tension that you would need a light saber to cut. Now I'm no hardware buff but the equipment seems top notch if a little dated. The place has an interesting layout with a bar at the centre so those wishing to induce liver failure will have little to worry about. As for Enschede itself, it's an interesting city, certainly not a metropolis of illicit sex drugs and alcohol as I was led to belive, but extremely clean and modern.