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It's the final we never dreamt we'd see. The final that most never saw coming. The final that proved United Kingdom dignitas just weren't the same with all their roster changes. And the way it has happened was suprising - with United Kingdom Impact being forced through the loser bracket, we're now left with the enticing prospect of Europe TLR vs Impact as the climactic grand final to this gripping 2nd installment of the Crossfire Challenge.

It might be a new name, but for TLR, it started as fairly old territory. The formerly Team-ND / aMenti players have clearly bonded, whilst adding fresh faces to the mix. Old names such as Winghaven, aCoZz and d4v1d have become tired of always being second favourite. They've seen the opportunity to take dignitas at their weakest yet, but they needed help. In bringing in Latvia Clown, Poland doktor and Belgium mAus, the team has begun to cement itself around a foundation of complete versatility and strength. These names have come in and slotted themselves in almost immediately. Look at dignitas, and you can't claim the same story. There is no doubting the experienced Clown's ability; his exploits in the old vib/t34 are proof enough for this. But look at doktor, and look at mAus. doktor brings to the table so much: His invaluable previous lan experiences, especially at PGA earlier this year with Poland Delta, and he is a thinking player, he reads the game wonderfully, often popping up where his team needs him the most. And as for mAus? Many questioned his integrity especially after the CPC no-show. Did he hack? The saga was a long running and hotly contested debate. This weekend however, mAus has put to rest these rumours with a scintilating display of agression and damage, round after round emerging as the player who most hurt his opposition's survival.
What suprised so many was the way in which TLR have grasped the challenge of this competition in a way that shows they really mean business. Yes, they've played before under aMenti. But often the motivation, the ability came under question. This new lineup hasn't had long to gel. No mztik, no crozz, no marv, it's almost as if the team has begun from scratch. But just look at where they are in the CPC now..
Before their game to dignitas in the winner's bracket 3rd round, TLR hadn't even lost a single round. That's a quite outstanding return of 5 games played, 20 rounds won, 0 rounds lost/drew. Even in their next game against CPC contenders dignitas, TLR refused to read the script, sending the EC champions crashing down into the loser's bracket with a gutsy 4-2 effort, and such booking their place in the grand final. TLR were finally able to rest, and enjoy the spectacle of seeing just which team would drag itself out of the loser's bracket to face them in the battle to take first place and a cheque for 1,500 euros. Confidence will be brimming, and now all that stands between TLR and that money is a certain side by the name of Impact.

One thing which must not be overlooked in this CPC lan is the resolve Impact have shown to reach this stage alone. Their lineup changes and shuffling has not been without consequence - just look at how the lost to Europe polar in the group stages, look at the crunching 4-0 loss suffered at the hands of dignitas which sent them into the loser's bracket. These were no small defeats. Any team who starts to lose on LAN feels the pressure, its intense. It's like damp, you absolutely have to arrest the slide as soon as possible, else you might as well get on the next flight home. But Impact, against all the odds, have done just that. They lose to polar and what is the reply? Only to go and destroy the promising looking Belgians of Zerobarrier. And for the dignitas loss? A win of the highest importance against veteran side United Kingdom one.solider, to regain that momentum which now sees Impact a possible two rounds away from the money. That very momentum has seen an upsurge in confidence, no less from the loser bracket round 5 win over dignitas, avenging their earlier defeat and showing that they too are a side who can beat the UK multigaming clan when they want to.
They're going to have to perform this feat again though, and it's no small ask. Impact have already played TLR in the LAN final of the wonderful ET Master's Tournament, with the result swinging a unfavourable 2-4 loss. Let's not forget though that the Master's is seperate. Whilst a good competition, in the light of the CPC, it was a distraction. A warmup if you will. Like all the best sportsmen, Impact won't even think about that game when they go into the final against TLR, they will take each round as it comes. The very scoreline of 4-2 goes to show just how evenly matched these two teams are. This is no longer just another game. This is not just another final. Impact are after TLR blood. They've already avenged their vendetta against dignitas, and now the crosshair is set firmly on aCoZz and his men. Impact still have to win twice, due to the double elimination system, but you can't help but feeling if Impact grab one match, they can get the second.

The question we have to ask is, of course, just who will emerge with the win? The playtime is over, the other teams have been disposed of, and now the LAN's two genuine heavyweight teams are left to slug it out. If I go with my head i'd back TLR to win. If I go with my money, i'd pick Impact. Why? Impact haven't been consistant, admittedly, whilst TLR have. But Impact have so much pedigree, so much ability, on their day they can and will beat anyone. Of course, to do that, Impact have to be on top of their game. Is this the stage where they finally teach TLR to respect their superiors, or will TLR burst from this match as potential EuroCup winners? We'll find out over the next few hours...