Another event of significance passes, and another disappointing display from the zeroPoint team. In their brief history, zP have so far only managed to place second in an otherwise lacklustre EuroCup, and second at sHgOpen where they narrowly won against mixteam Europe Black Magic, only to lose to United Kingdom dignitas in the final. For a team with such promise, arguably rooted history in the form of saevus, and a fiercely loyal manager, zeroPoint just aren't delivering the goods. Something needs to change, the question is what.

The question is also why. Why should a team with such ability fail as evidently as it has done so far. This should be a team with EuroCups against it's name. Many have said that the core of the team these days relies too heavily on the new school, with Germany butchji and Switzerland gifty carrying excess baggage in players who have undoubtedly reached the pinnacle of ET, but are now not the players they used to be. The Austria Austrian pairing of darky and potter have enjoyed glittering "careers" in ET, but they just haven't been able to replicate this form for zeroPoint. There have been shades of their former selves poking through, but no sign of great performances lasting throughout the entirety of matches. Their lineup changes have hardly helped either, with FeTTe unable to attend the CPC, and even then he was a recent replacement for Austria rapture. Shy also, he came into the LAN at the eleventh hour due to FeTTe's passport issues. Perhaps this could be an excuse for zP's faultering form?

Sadly, it's not that simple. ZeroPoint are a team who have lost to the likes of United Kingdom Impact - an uncompromising 4-0 - and Poland Netrunners, who with all due respect, zP should be beating if they are to realise their true potential. And potential is such a difficult word to use around this team. It's almost as if we've always been saying they have potential, but there comes a point when you can no longer ignore the past. You cannot say a side which loses to United Kingdom dignitas 6-0 in the finals of the EuroCup is chasing for honours. That'd be like saying Roma did well in the Champions League because they got to the last 16, even though Manchester United demolished them 7-1. Nobody celebrates 2nd place, and thats why zeroPoint are still not the side we all wish they could be. But the beauty of life is evolution, and now post CPC, zP have a chance to address the problems they've suffered. So, what do they do?

The answer is not so far away. Having spoken to gifty, he tells me that before CPC2, darky and FeTTe decided that following the tournament, they would leave the clan. It seems this was a decision made before the LAN had even started, so there is no evidence to suggest this has happened because of the poor CPC showing. zP stalwart Germany Hatred returns, and will look to restore some order into the mix. He has played in the team before, and knows his teammates' styles. This I expect will bring about a change for the better. The 6th place is still unfilled, but if zP play their cards right, it will be a German speaking player to plug the gap. Why? When I asked gifty just what was the single greatest reason for their CPC elimination, he responded fairly boldly by blaming a lack of communication. Darky used to be the primary caller in-game, and this role will need to be effectively taken over. Forget the European mix that is Europe TLR, the benefit of speaking your native language on ventrilo cannot be underestimated, just ask Finland mystic.

They also need to settle down and seriously cement some effective tactics for the maps. You cannot afford to have maps that other teams consider your weakness at the top level, and in supplydepot, zeroPoint have just that. gifty is a fantastic aggresive rifle, but when the team is pushed back, his defensives tendencies are not always as rewarding. When part of your team's core starts faultering, you're in trouble. All this rebuilding will take time, patience and effort, a concoction of temptation that the devil himself would be proud of. But if the team does this, the investment will soon start to pay dividends.

The problem lies in the fact that there is a EuroCup looming, and zP will kick off their EC 15 campaign against Poland Fear Factory on Wednesday. Knowing public opinion, and FF's performance at CPC also, zP will be the favourites, but the game is going to be one big struggle between two teams not currently on top of their games. Whether the departure of darky is going to be inversely positive or negative is yet to be seen, and we're soon to find out. What's for certain however, is zP is still a team with all the foundations to become a top, top team. They just need to show a little nerve, belief, and above all not fold to the criticism should the results not immediately come their way. The sun might not yet be shining on top of zeroPoint, but the forecast certainly says it can be.